How to check banner history to count soft pity in Genshin Impact: Hu Tao banner 

Genshin Impact will be rerunning Hu Tao soon (Image via Genshin Impact)
Genshin Impact will be rerunning Hu Tao soon (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact will soon be rerunning one of its strongest characters ever, as Hu Tao returns to the featured banner during the 2.2 update. Hu Tao has remained one of the game's top DPS characters ever since her original release. Her insane damage and unique attacks have made her one of the most popular choices for tough ordeals like the Spiral Abyss.

Fans who missed out on Hu Tao previously will get a second chance, and they will definitely want to know how to check their soft pity to make sure they acquire her from the banner.

Genshin Impact: How to count soft pity for Hu Tao's rerun

Hu Tao's rerun has officially been announced, and players will definitely want to try summoning on it if they need a powerful Pyro character. Having said that, they can also try and acquire Sayu or Thoma.

Hu Tao is an amazing addition to any team with the right weapon and setup, as she can tear through weak enemies in the Abyss and difficult events. Guaranteeing Hu Tao can be a simple task, as long as players keep their pity in mind.

Pity is a system in Genshin Impact that can be used to easily guarantee any featured character, and accounting for it can make the wishing experience much easier.

Having pity can drastically decrease the amount of Primogems needed to summon a character, as the more pity a player has, the closer they are to a 5-star summon.

Pity goes up one by one with each wish and usually reaches the Soft Pity mark at around 70-79 wishes. This means players will want to have at least 12,000 Primogems if they want to hit soft pity from zero. They can easily check how much pity they have through the game's history button.

How to use the Wish History

The game's Wish History (Image via Genshin Impact)
The game's Wish History (Image via Genshin Impact)

To check your soft pity in Genshin Impact, all you'll need to do is open the Wish menu and click the Wish History button. This will open up the history of wishes on whichever banner you are checking. Counting soft pity is an easy task from here.

You will only need to count the number of wishes made since your previous 5-star summon. You can easily do this by going page-by-page, as each one consists of six wishes.

Once you've wished around 70 times, you can stop to maintain soft-pity. From here on, you have a great chance at acquiring a 5-star character.

Genshin Impact's soft pity system allows one to get their favorite characters much more easily. Players will definitely want to take advantage of it when they can.