Thoma's constellations in Genshin Impact

Thoma has some powerful constellations (Image via Genshin Impact)
Thoma has some powerful constellations (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact's latest character Thoma will be releasing in only a few days, and players will be able to summon him on the upcoming Hu Tao rerun banner. Thoma is a powerful Pyro Polearm user with some great support capabilities, and fans who plan to summon for Hu Tao may end up grabbing quite a few copies of him.

Luckily, Thoma has some great constellations that will make building him a worthwhile endeavor. Players can find out all about Thoma's constellations here, including his most useful additions, and plan to summon their own Thoma when he releases.

Genshin Impact: Thoma's constellations revealed

Genshin Impact's latest 4-star character will be releasing soon, with the Kamisato Clan's housekeeper bringing some powerful Pyro damage and shields to any team.

Thoma can do some amazing things with the right team composition as his Elemental Burst can deal some huge reaction damage while his shields will keep his team safe. Thoma's constellations build on his supportive capabilities and let boost his uptime significantly.

Here are his current list of constellations:

  1. A Comrade's Duty: When one of Thoma's shields takes damage for another character, Thoma's Elemental Skill and Burst cooldowns are lowered by three seconds. This effect can occur once every twenty seconds.
  2. A Subordinate's Skills: Thoma's Elemental Burst lasts three seconds longer.
  3. Fortified Resolve: Increases the level of Thoma's Elemental Skill by three.
  4. Long Term Planning: After using his Elemental Burst, Thoma gains 15 Energy.
  5. Raging Wildfire: Increases the level of Thoma's Elemental Burst by three.
  6. Burning Heart: When one of Thoma's shields is gained or refreshed, party members will deal 15% more Normal, Charged and Plunging ATK damage.

Thoma's constellations give him better uptime

With these constellations, Thoma will be able to maintain his shields much longer, as the cooldown reduction and duration increase will provide him with more time to get Energy and less downtime with his abilities.

This means that Thoma may be able to constantly protect his team while also dealing some serious Pyro damage, making him a great utility choice for a team that needs some shielding.

Players who have characters that are squishy and can benefit from some extra Pyro attacks will definitely want to give Thoma a try on their teams.

Genshin Impact continues to provide interesting and unique characters, and Thoma and his constellations offer an excellent option for those who need shielding and damage.

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