How to check banner history and Pity count in Genshin Impact

A 5-star wish in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)
A 5-star wish in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact players are always hunting for the next big character to wish for, and managing banner history and pity are a huge part of getting characters in the game. Without properly managing pity, players won't be able to get all the characters they want. Luckily, checking history and pity is incredibly easy in Genshin Impact, allowing for players to keep track of this important detail. Players can learn how to check this system here.

Note: The methods detailed below are applicable to all platforms.

Genshin Impact: How to check banner history in Genshin Impact

A character banner (Image via Genshin Impact)
A character banner (Image via Genshin Impact)

Checking banner history in Genshin Impact is very simple. All players will need to do is open the wish page and click the history button at the bottom of the tab. Each banner has a separate history, so players will need to check their history for each individual banner.

Character banners and weapon banners continue to share the same history in between banners, however. So, if players look once, they won't need to look again until they begin wishing again.

Banner history in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)
Banner history in Genshin Impact (Image via Genshin Impact)

Navigating the banner history is also simple, as players will see 6 wishes per page and can navigate between pages by clicking the arrows at the bottom. Players can head as far back as they want, though after several months wishes will begin to disappear. Players should make sure to keep a count of how many wishes have passed since their last 5-star character for their pity count.

Also read: Genshin Impact: Kazuha banner release time, new weapons, and more details

How to check pity-count in Genshin Impact:


Checking pity count in Genshin Impact is easy once the banner history is open. Since players can count by sixes, and can reach their last 5-star by navigating through the menus, they simply need to count how many wishes they have made since then. Hard pity in Genshin Impact is at 90 wishes, meaning players have a 100% chance to get a 5-star after doing 90 wishes on a banner.

Players also may run into soft pity, which takes effect around 70 wishes and can bring increased chances of a 5-star as well. Players will need to pay attention to these big checkpoints in their wish history if they want to get the most 5-stars possible.

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Genshin Impact is a game full of small systems, but the pity system is definitely one that players should stay on top of and make sure they have under control if they want to get 5-star characters.

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