How to earn cosmetics and equipment in Nintendo Switch Sports

Ready to bolster your lineup of cool and cute cosmetics? (Images via Nintendo)
Ready to bolster your lineup of cool and cute cosmetics? (Images via Nintendo)

Nintendo Switch Sports is finally out for the Switch. The newest entry in the Sports series brings the charm of the Wii Sports games to a modern audience. It features some of the biggest improvements to the series.

The arenas are bigger, the characters are more detailed and so are the environments. Player customization allows players to shape their characters as desired, with elements like hairstyles, skin tones, etc.

Additionally, the game offers an opportunity to earn in-game rewards by playing. These consist of cosmetics for player outfits and accessories and equipment.

Nintendo Switch Sports rewards players for online play

Congrats! (Image via Nintendo)
Congrats! (Image via Nintendo)

To start, players will earn points after every online match. Note that players will need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription for this to work. This is because points are not awarded in offline mode against bots.

Playing a match grants a set number of points, with additional incremental points granted via a multiplier. This multiplier is determined by achieving certain milestones during a match, like bowling down x number of pins.

The final point is awarded after factoring in all multiplier additions. A score of at least 100 will fill up the gift gauge and grant the player a +1 on the gift icon.

This opens up a screen where players can choose one of several items as a reward. Note that leftover points are retained, so players need not worry over their hard-earned points going to waste.

Can you select the specific items that you want?

Take your pick from these varied rewards (Image via Nintendo)
Take your pick from these varied rewards (Image via Nintendo)

Players can choose items from the item catalog presented to them, but that's it. The item board uses a rotation formula. This means that the item pool of rewards changes periodically. New items come in each week.

The items in each pool are different for every person, so it's an excellent little lottery. It also shows the amount of days remaining to unlock items from the pool, so be sure to unlock your favorites before they disappear.

These items also cause upsets, so collecting all the items in a set will earn the player a completion bonus. Note that all unlocked options also remain available for offline play.

What is Nintendo Switch Sports about?

It is the latest iteration of Wii Sports. Pick one of 5 exciting sports and battle it out with friends and family, online or offline. These include tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer, chambara and bowling. Take yoru character online and participate in matches to eventually unlock the Pro Leagues.

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