How to find a new Planetary Settlement in No Man's Sky

Ready to take on the challenge as the Overseer of a Planetary Settlement in No Man
Ready to take on the challenge as the Overseer of a Planetary Settlement in No Man's Sky? (Image via Hello Games)

Planetary Settlements in No Man’s Sky are among the various points of interest within the procedurally generated game. Taking control of one of these POIs will effectively make a player its Overseer, and as the name suggests, they will be in charge of numerous activities within that area. Being an authority figure in one of them will generate revenue and much-needed resources for you.

However, locating and taking charge of these points of interest will be challenging. But for gamers who are willing to undertake such tasks, here are the steps involved in finding Planetary Settlements in No Man’s Sky.

How to look for a Planetary Settlement

Start things off with the Cartographer that is present on any Space Station. From the NPC, you need to purchase a Settlement Chart using Navigation Chips. That is a type of map made specifically for locating Settlements. In the absence of Navigation Chips/Data, this item can be bought from Galactic Trade Terminals.

Checking the Settlement's status is a must. (Image via Hello Games)
Checking the Settlement's status is a must. (Image via Hello Games)

It is advisable to purchase several of those charts since it was mentioned that finding a Settlement won't be easy. Furthermore, you might arrive at a star system using a chart and still end up not finding the POI. This is why you should be certain that the star system you’re in is not an Uncharted/Abandoned system. After making sure that isn't the case, putting up a Save Beacon is highly suggested.

Then, check your Exosuit tab and use the chart. It will be scanning the planet you've built the beacon on for Planetary Settlements that are in that world. If nothing is found at first or the POI you got wasn't to your preference, you can just reload the saved game and re-scan the area.

After the desired Planetary Settlement is found, you will just have to head over to its Hub Interface, which can be located in the middle of the point of interest. Interact with it and become its Overseer. Now, you can check out the Planetary Settlement’s current state. Some of the factors that need attention include the Productivity Rate, Population, and Maintenance Cost. If everything is fine, pay the required amount, and that’s it.

Some points to remember about Settlements in No Man’s Sky


If you're new to No Man’s Sky, you have to keep in mind that you can only manage a single Settlement at a time. Also, if you've left the POI behind and can’t figure out how to get back, you can go to the Space Station next to the Cartographer. Here, you will find a portal that can transport Travellers to Planetary Settlements, which they have previously built.

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