How to find the Pistola Sportiva in Far Cry 6

Look for the Pistola Sportiva in Esperanza. (Image via Ubisoft)
Look for the Pistola Sportiva in Esperanza. (Image via Ubisoft)

Players looking for a unique pistol in Far Cry 6 may want the Pistola Sportiva. There's a whole list of unique weapons in the latest Far Cry adventure, and the Pistola Sportiva is another piece of the collection.

Far Cry 6: How to acquire the Pistola Sportiva

Despite the plethora of weapon options, players will specifically enjoy the Pistola Sportiva (image via Ubisoft)
Despite numerous weapon options, players will specifically enjoy the Pistola Sportiva (image via Ubisoft)

The weapon has the appearance of a 9mm Beretta with red and orange colors that fade on the gun itself. However, the Pistola Sportiva certainly hits harder than a 9mm sidearm due to some of the mods that are equipped for more firepower.

Before getting into what the Pistola Sportiva provides in terms of mods, though, players need to find the weapon itself within Yara. Like other unique weapons in Far Cry 6, they should be looking for a Yaran Contraband chest, which are all distinguishable by the sculpted gator on top of the chest.

For the Pistola Sportiva specifically, players in Far Cry 6 should head over to El Maraton Field. The spot is located in West Lado, which is a subsection of the Esperanza region on the Yara map.

Caution is advised because the area is rank 10, and it's right around where Anton Castillo holds power.

Luckily, there isn't much resistance near El Maraton Field, which is a simple baseball field that Castillo has no care for. Instead of fully geared enemies, players who make their way to the field will find feral wolves instead, but that's the extent of the resistance.

If the field is empty, then they can make their way to the small building located in the center of the stands.

The small yellow announcer's booth will contain the Pistola Sportiva within the Yaran Contraband chest. From there, players can simply leave the area in Far Cry 6 with a new unique weapon in hand.

What makes the Pistola Sportiva unique in Far Cry 6?


Every unique weapon in Far Cry 6 has its own modded elements that separate it from others. Players won't be able to upgrade their weapons, but sometimes the mods are too powerful to skip. Coupled with that, some of the mods are far better than upgrades in Far Cry 6.

As for the Pistola Sportiva itself, the mods are fairly straightforward. Reload speed is faster and movement speed while aiming is increased. But it's the type of ammo that makes the Pistola Sportiva deadly.

It comes prepackaged with blast rounds, and the weapon has a high fire rate for a sidearm. Players who want some blast damage in Far Cry 6 will surely want to seek the weapon out.

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