How to obtain Fluxweed seeds in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy can reduce their need for Fluxweed seeds from Hogsmeade (Image via Avalanche Software)
Hogwarts Legacy players can reduce their search for Fluxweed seeds by buying them from Hogsmeade (Image via Avalanche Software)

Among all the materials available in Hogwarts Legacy, Fluxweed seeds are potentially the most important for the players. This is due to the plant these develop into and the crucial role they play in one of the core activities of the game.

Fluxweed stems are needed to brew the Focus potion, and you will soon learn why they’re so important. Thankfully, you can grow this plant sustainably all throughout your journey. This also means there will be no shortage of the said potion when you need it in you adventure.

Just like in the movies, you will also be able to grow different plants in Hogwarts Legacy. So let’s find out how you can get Fluxweed seeds in a consistent manner. Not only will this help you reduce your labor, but also save your the Galleons you earn in the game. Moreover, you can even choose to get the stems directly if you have enough resources.

Hogwarts Legacy: Why Fluxweed seeds are important and how to get them


Hogsmeade is one of the most important places to visit in Hogwarts Legacy. This isn't only because of the village's beauty, which Avalanche Software has recreated perfectly. It is the location for several shops, one of which happens to be The Magic Neep.

The Magic Neep will be your one-stop solution whenever you need an ingredient in the game. There are plenty of useful ones to buy, including Fluxweed seeds, available in different packages.

If you’re confused about the location of The Magic Neep, worry not as it can be found across the river in the northwestern corner of Hogsmeade. Once you reach the location, you can interact with Timothy Teasdale, who will be your go-to guy for all fertilizers and seeds in Hogwarts Legacy.


Here are all the seeds, fertilizers, and ingredients available at The Magic Neep.

Seed packets:

  • Fluxweed Seed – 350g
  • Knotgrass Seed – 350g
  • Mallowsweet Seed – 200g
  • Shrivelfig Seed – 450g

Room of Requirement items:

  • Fertiliser – 300g


  • Dittany Leaves – 100g
  • Fluxweed Stem – 150g
  • Knotgrass Sprig – 150g
  • Mallowsweet Leaves – 100g
  • Shrivelfig Fruit – 150g

Hogwarts Legacy will allow you to get both the stems and the seeds based on how quickly you want your game to progress. However, it’s worth remembering that any item you buy will cost Galleons, so making informed decisions is always important.

What can you use the Fluxweed seeds/stems for?

As mentioned above, the Fluxweed seeds are important in crafting potions, which can be done in the Room of Requirement, but you must have a recipe. The recipes can be bought from J. Pippin’s Potions, also located in Hogsmeade.


The Focus potion uses the said ingredient, one of the most useful ones in the game. By consuming it, you’ll be able to reduce the cooldown period of certain spells, which can prove to be extremely handy in tricky situations.

You can also choose between other types of recipes, and each potion has different uses. The ingredients will also vary based on what you want to create, but you can get everything from The Magic Neep in exchange for Galleons.

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