How to open the 3 Luxurious Chests at Liyue Harbor by completing the illumiscreen 3 quest in Genshin Impact

3 obtainable Luxurious chests in Liyue Harbor during Lantern Rite
3 obtainable Luxurious chests in Liyue Harbor during Lantern Rite

Genshin Impact's Lantern Rite has changed Liyue Harbor's appearance with the decorations and new interactable celebration materials. While roaming around the harbor, players must have come across a stall with 3 Luxurious Chests in front of it with no interactable options.

Although they look like dummies at first, they are now obtainable during the third stage of Lantern Rite Tales.

Lantern Rite Tales Stage 3 unlocks the Illumiscreen 3 quest.
Lantern Rite Tales Stage 3 unlocks the Illumiscreen 3 quest.

Genshin Impact: How to open the 3 luxurious chests at Liyue Harbor by completing the illumiscreen 3 quest

To unlock the illumiscreen-3 quest in Genshin Impact, players must complete all requests from Lantern Rite Tales-1 and Lantern Rite Tales-2.

Upon activating the illumiscreen request, players can visit Brother Qian at the harbor and solve the illumiscreen puzzle. The puzzle requires players to successfully arrange three screens to form a picture of the Divine Crane.

The Illumiscreen 3 quest in Genshin Impact and its description
The Illumiscreen 3 quest in Genshin Impact and its description
Illumiscreen 3 puzzle: Divine Crane picture arranged successfully.
Illumiscreen 3 puzzle: Divine Crane picture arranged successfully.

After solving the puzzle, Brother Qian will ask the players to collect three different treasures by visiting three different locations marked on the map. The location of the treasures in Genshin Impact is shown below.

Locations of the 3 treasures needed to be retrieved
Locations of the 3 treasures needed to be retrieved

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The first two treasures will be guarded by many hilichurls, a mitachurl, and a puzzle to light four pyro torches that are pretty easy to deal with.

However, the third treasure, located at the Guyun Stone Forest, will be guarded by three Geovishap Hatchlings, who have immense resistance to physical attacks and good dodging abilities.

After defeating the hatchlings, players can find the last treasure and return to the illumiscreen stall at Liyue Harbor.

Reporting progress of treasure hunt to Brother Qian
Reporting progress of treasure hunt to Brother Qian
The 3 Luxurious chests are now openable after completing the Illumiscreen quest.
The 3 Luxurious chests are now openable after completing the Illumiscreen quest.

At this stage, Brother Qian will offer the players a reward for completing his request by unlocking the 3 Luxurious Chests. Players will get an interactable option to unlock the chests, and the illumiscreen 3 quest in Genshin Impact will be completed.

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