Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day – Characters and Radicals, All You Need To Know

Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day
Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day

Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement Day is a game that intends to deliver a very strong and deep message through sarcasm and humor. The developers have clearly stated that they don’t mind offending people. The game is targeting the open-minded audience and anyone who can’t take a joke should not be playing this game. If you still have not read what the game is about, read it here. In my previous article, I explained the storyline and here I am, back again with the character details as promised.

Jesus Strikes Back: Judgement day has a very unique and sarcastic way of telling the story. I don’t remember any game that picked up the real up character and swapped the antagonists with protagonists. Before going ahead, drop your religious and historical beliefs, drop everything you believed until now and start fresh. If you have already read what the game is about and you know the storyline then you probably know a name of few characters, I am here to introduce you to all the characters in the game, the protagonists and the antagonists. Let’s begin.


#1 J.C


Occupation: Messiah

Nationality: N/A

JC stands for Jesus Christ but the developers decided to play with the name a little and distort them just to avoid any kind of legal problem.

J.C is the holy, loving chosen one. Apparently, his return to earth was not welcomed by the New World Regime and his message of peace and love met the extreme hostility. His only option now is to eliminate the threat called New World Regime and liberate the world from this spreading plague.

#2 Dolf


Occupation: Artist

Nationality: Austrian

Adolf Hitler is portrayed in the game as Dolf. Dolf Foresaw the coming catastrophe of the New World Regime and documented it in his eBook “The Struggle”. However, the book was banned from the global retailer, Amazun. Even though nobody believed in his prophecy about the coming days, he prepared for the day as he knew his truth.

#3 Tromp


Occupation: Previous World Leader

Nationality: American

Yeah, a sarcastic portray of Donald Trump. Tromp was previously the leader of the land of the free. However, he was dethroned by the revolting radicals as he barely managed to escape with his life. But he is not a guy who would let things slide, he has collected his weapons and armory and now seeking his revenge.

#4 Pootin


Occupation: Diplomat

Nationality: Russian

I am not even surprised. After Trump, Hitler, and Jesus I kind of wanted Vladimir Putin in the mess. Pootin is a master of martial art and diplomat of a very cold country. He is a wise man with good judgment, he never liked the movement that will eventually turn into revolt and form the New World Regime. After the New World Regime took over his country, he fled with his life and promised that one day he will return with more power and take back what is his.

#5 Zi Jingjong


Occupation: Military leader

Nationality: Chinese.

Jingjong is the Kim Jong Un. Jingjong was a stern leader of a very powerful army however, his own people betrayed him as they joined the overpowering New World Regime. He fled with his life and swore to come back and have the last (and his very first) laugh.

#6 Napolion


Occupation: Emperor

Nationality: French

Napolion climbed the ladder on his own and became the emperor of France, however, he lost everything after losing the battle of Waterloo against the radical socialists. Radicals exiled him to a distant island. He managed to escape the island and now he is waiting for his revenge and claiming back his empire.

#7 Mussolino

Occupation: Journalist

Nationality: Italian

Mussolino is a fierce critic of the radical socialists. He was eventually silenced by the New World Regime and his newspaper was shut down by the radicals. All his possession was taken away by the radicals, he was forced to flee to save his life. He left with nothing and now all he wants is revenge.

You can choose from one of the above-mentioned characters and play with it. Every one of them has a different skill set, characteristics, and personality. Now let’s focus on the enemies you will face in the game. The Radicals are divided into few groups and have different hostility and threat level.

Pootin and Tromp spending quality time with a feminist
Pootin and Tromp spending quality time with a feminist


#1 Radical Social Justice Warrior

This is the most common radical group you will encounter in the New World. They happen to hunt in the pack of 5 to 10. Even though they are weak when alone but can be a threat when they are working as a pack. They will only attack when their pack is large in number else they will try to run away.

Hostility: Medium

Threat Level: Low

#2 Radical Feminists

This is a less common group than the typical Social Justice Warrior (SJW) groups. The threat level is higher than the SJW. They will attack any male on sight and if you get too close they will scream which will summon a herd of feminists. They are mostly female but there have been reports of rare “male feminist” sighting.

Hostility: High

Threat Level: Medium

#3 Radical LGBT Militants

The LGBT militant group attacks anyone who is not a part of their militant group. The LGBT militant group was formed after the world collapsed. They are hostile to anyone who is not a part of them. They are weak when they are alone but they can appear in groups as large as 30 members.

Hostility: Medium

Threat level: Low when alone, high when in packs

#4 Radical Illegal Aliens

Radical illegal aliens are basically immigrants. They are exploiting the global anarchy – New world. These criminals freely pass through the borders with one intention – pillage, loot, and harm. They can appear in gangs from 3 to 10 members and they are always armed with weapons.

Hostility: High

Threat level: High

#5 Terrorists

The game says they are the invaders from the land of Akbarr. These terrorists can be found everyone in the new world order. They can be found on their watchtowers, camps, outposts or simply patrolling the streets with their military vehicles. Be careful, they are not to be taken lightly.

Hostility: High

Threat Level: Very High

#6 Doctors

Napolion warming up with some doctors
Napolion warming up with some doctors

This group is protected by the law and they roam around the streets on their ambulance. Their main job is to vaccinate anyone who does not agree with the New World order. Don’t get hit by their tranquilizer darts, if you get hit by one of them chances are you will wake up in an insane asylum.

Hostility: Medium

Threat Level: High

#7 Radical Socialist Politicians

This group of men and women claims to be “for the people”, even though they work for themselves only and fill their pockets. They are weak when alone but they are mostly protected by large groups of SJW.

Hostility: Medium

Threat Level: Extremely high

#8 radical, frenzied NON-BINARY, GENDER FLUID pansexual humanoid berserker


Man? Woman? Or complete myth? Rumors of the elusive RFNBGFPHB often circulate around the New World taverns and bars, and legend has it that no one knows what the RFNBGFPHB looks like as no one has lived to tell the tale. Gruesome stories are told of them destroying everything and anything in their path. If they do exist and you encounter one in the New World, do not engage. Run.

Hostility: Immense

Threat Level: Words cannot describe.