League of Legends Challenges guide: How to rekindle an Eternals Set and complete the Specialist challenge

Rekindling an Eternals Set in League of Legends and completing the Specialist challenge (Image via League of Legends)
Rekindling an Eternals Set in League of Legends and completing the Specialist challenge (Image via League of Legends)

Eternals in League of Legends are a sort of mission and challenge that allows players to monitor their stat-tracking achievements.

Eternals have been a part of the popular MOBA title since season 10, with champions also having their tailor-made set of Eternals which track specific achievements that players will be able to unlock with more mastery that they gain on it.

Moreover, the new challenge system that was introduced with season 12, has made completing Eternals even more important, as they can now be used to complete certain specific missions.

While a majority of the missions can be completed by simply playing the game, some of the more difficult ones can only be done by “rekindling” an Eternals Set. Doing this will net Summoners the “Specialist” challenge for the specific champion whom they are rekindling the Eternal Sets for.

However, this challenge takes a significant amount of time and involves various steps, and today’s guide will go over how players will be able to rekindle an Eternals Set in League of Legends.

Rekindling an Eternals Set in League of Legends and completing the Specialist challenge


Before attempting to rekindle an Eternals Set, players will first need to:

  • Complete all five milestones of that particular Eternal. While single Eternal missions can be rekindled one at a time, if players choose to rekindle an entire set of them, they will first be required to reach the fifth milestone.
  • It’s important to note here that common Eternals, as well as champion-specific Eternals, are separate, and Summoners will not be able to mix and match missions from the two sets and make them count as a single rekindling.
  • Rekindling an Eternals Set will allow players to complete the “Specialist” challenges which are associated with that specific champion. There are Specialist challenges for Assassins, Fighters, Mages, Marksmen, Supports, and Tanks. However, there are certain champions who will count towards two different roles.
  • Vayne is described under the role of both Marksman and Assassin, while picks like Lillia fall under Mage and Fighter. Players will be able to find the champion specific challenges under the “experience” portion of the “collection” tab in the challenges menu of the client.

Hence, to be able to rekindle the Eternals Set and successfully complete the “Specialist” challenge for a champion, League of Legends summoners will first be required to complete the milestones for all three Eternals and then rekindle the set.