League of Legends devs outline all “pro-targeted” champion updates in patch 11.19 preview

Akali buffs are on the way in League of Legends patch 11.19 (Image via Riot Games)
Akali buffs are on the way in League of Legends patch 11.19 (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends patch 11.19 is scheduled to go live next week, and it’ll be the final update before the World Championship kicks off in October.

League of Legend’s most important international event will be played on this version, which is why the changes will be targeting pro play more than standard matchmaking.

League of Legends’ lead game designer, Jeevun Sidhu, in a recent tweet, listed out some names that will receive changes in the upcoming patch. There will be nerfs across the board for Ryze, Varus, Kennen, and Soraka, while Akali, Gwen, Qiyana will be seeing some buffs coming their way.

Additionally, Riot might also look to revert some changes introduced in League of Legends patch 11.18. They were not happy with how some of the updates transitioned into the game.

Here are the champions who will receive tweaks in League of Legends patch 11.18.

League of Legends path 11.19 preview

Champion nerfs

  • Kennen
  • Ryze
  • Sona
  • Soraka
  • Varus

Unlike the other nerfs, the changes that Sona will be receiving in League of Legends patch 11.19 will not be a targeted pro-play change. Since her rework, Sona has been one of the most oppressive support champions to lane against in normal matchmaking.

She has one of the highest win rates in ARAM, and the amount of sustain, crowd control, and damage that she brings is nothing short of overpowering.

Champion buffs

  • Aatrox
  • Akali
  • Cho’gath
  • Fizz
  • Galio
  • Gragas
  • Gwen
  • Mordekaiser
  • Poppy
  • Qiyana
  • Renekton
  • Sejuani
  • Seraphine
  • Sion
  • Sylas

There will indeed be some buffs coming in League of Legends patch 11.19. Qiyana, Mordekaiser, Gwen, and Akali tweaks will be the ones to look out for, as these champions might have a significant impact on the Worlds stage.

Additionally, Renekton, Sejuani, and Serphanie will also have their names added to the buff list, and perhaps this can help them make their way back into the meta.

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