League of Legends LoLdle answers 334: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

LoLdle answers for June 6, 2023 (Image via Riot Games)
LoLdle answers for June 6, 2023 (Image via Riot Games)

The answers for the 334th edition of LoLdle are now available. For those unfamiliar, the questions in this guessing game are related to the champions from League of Legends. All you have to do is enter the name of a champion in each category. A drop-down menu will show the champion. Type the name of the champion, select it, and then submit your answer.


This article has all the solutions to LoLdle's 333rd edition to assist players in maintaining their daily streak.

Vi, Shyvana, and three other League of Legends LoLdle answers for 334th edition (June 6, 2023)

The solutions to the LoLdle from June 6, 2023, are as follows:

  • Classic: Jarvan IV
  • Quote: Sejuani
  • Ability: Xerath Bonus: Passive
  • Emoji: Nocturne
  • Splash Art: Graves, Bonus: Pool Party Graves

Previous League of Legends LoLdle answers

Here are some of the LoLdle answers that have previously been revealed:

  • LoLdle, June 5, 2023: Vi, Shyvana, Zilean, Olaf, and Twitch
  • LoLdle, June 4, 2023: Corki, Xerath, Irelia, Yorick, and Kayle
  • LoLdle, June 3, 2023: Gragas, Diana, Varus, Graves, and Caitlyn
  • LoLdle, June 2, 2023: Azir, Fiddlesticks, Quinn, Poppy, and Brand
  • LoLdle, June 1, 2023: Kayle, Renekton, Rek’Sai, Ezreal, and Zyra
  • LoLdle, May 31, 2023: Veigar, Zac, Malphite, Elise, and K'Sante
  • LoLdle, May 30, 2023: Lucian, Kayn, Akali, Yasuou, and Zac
  • LoLdle, May 29, 2023: Tristana, Fiddlesticks, Tryndamere, and Teemo
  • LoLdle, May 28, 2023: Viego, Zed, Illaoi, Vladimir, and Evelynn
  • LoLdle, May 27, 2023: Kai’Sa, Akshan, Sylas, Xerath, and Malphite
  • LoLdle, May 26, 2023: Xerath, Nilah, Xin Zhao, Syndra, and Sivir
  • LoLdle, May 25, 2023: Quinn, Gwen, Yone, Fizz, and Miss Fortune
  • LoLdle, May 24, 2023: Warwick, Garen, Singed, Ashe, and Nunu

The first of today's LoLdle answers is Jarvan IV. He's a great jungle champion, and fans should easily be able to predict his name after a few tries. The same goes for Sejuani, as her quote "trample them" can be easily recognized due to her high pick rate in ranked and pro matches.

However, Xerath's ability is hard to identify. He isn't a meta pick right now, so players may struggle to recognize his passive ability. On the other hand, Nocturne's emojis are pretty easy to discern.

Graves' Pool Party should be the easiest of today's LoLdle answers to guess.

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