5 best jungle champions in League of Legends for MSI 2023

Best jungle champions in League of Legends for MSI 2023 (Image via Riot Games)
Best jungle champions in League of Legends for MSI 2023 (Image via Riot Games)

As the Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) 2023 approaches, League of Legends' current meta contains a plethora of the best jungle champions. While some tanks are still useful in professional games, the tank jungle meta has somewhat changed. Since it has been confirmed that MSI will be played on the 13.8 patch, we'll discuss the best jungle champions that can be extremely viable in the competition.


Jarvan IV, Nidalee, and three more of the best jungle champions in League of Legends for MSI 2023

Most champions' impact and playstyle differ in professional tournaments than in ranked games at home. Riot's changes to the jungle champions have caused quite a meta-shift in recent weeks and months.

Here are the five best jungle champions that, in the hands of some of MSI 2023's top players, can have a significant impact.

1) Jarvan IV

Prince Jarvan, the scion of the Lightshield dynasty, is Demacia's heir apparent. (Image via Riot Games)
Prince Jarvan, the scion of the Lightshield dynasty, is Demacia's heir apparent. (Image via Riot Games)

Jarvan IV has a long history as one of the best jungle champions who can survive and thrive, even though it is far more hostile and less rewarding. Although the nerf from the 13.8 patch reduced Jarvan IV's power slightly, it was not enough to warrant a move out of the pro players' pick rate.

Win rate: 50.9%

The most important aspects of playing Jarvan IV are his incredible engagement, god-tier early-game ganks, and extreme versatility, as he can fit in with any comp.


Strong against: Sejuani, Rammus, Zac

Weak against: Gragas, Bel'Veth, Kindred

When playing J4, it's crucial to have an impact on the map right away. Level 2 ganks can be successful by approaching the target as they first enter the lane. As of level 2, J4 already has excellent damage from E, Q, and passive, as well as quick gap closing and CC.

Jarvan 4's ability to engage in a cage using Cataclysm allows your team to easily follow up, which gets straightforward objectives.

Best Jarvan IV players in MSI 2023: Peanut (GenG), Yike (G2)

2) Maokai

Maokai, a fierce, tall treant, fights the shadowy horrors of the Shadow Isles. (Image via Riot Games)
Maokai, a fierce, tall treant, fights the shadowy horrors of the Shadow Isles. (Image via Riot Games)

Maokai is still seriously broken and remains one of the best jungle champions due to his overpowered single-target lockdown and team lockdown abilities. He brings incredible engagement and peel, and he's easy to pick up and plays well right away, making him one of the best jungle champions in professional gameplay.

Win rate: 51.5%

The fact that Maokai's passive makes his attacks periodically restore his health is a viable aspect among pro players.


Strong against: Tahm Kench, Sion, Cho'Gath

Weak against: Gwen, Olaf, Quinn

First, it's always important to focus on farming when playing Maokai, then trade to unlock Nature's Grasp quickly. Following that, make sure to scale into your two-item and unkillable power spike, where you are ridiculously tanky and provide an incredible amount of lockdown to hard enable your team.

Importantly, keep your lane pushed, but after that, you'll want to regroup with your team for objectives. Maokai is simply too skilled and the best jungle champion in team combat, so don't avoid being present as much as possible.

Best Maokai players in MSI 2023: Peanut (GenG), Blaber (C9), Yike (G2)

3) Wukong

Wukong is a Vastayan trickster who employs his power, speed, and cunning to trick his adversaries (Image via Riot Games)
Wukong is a Vastayan trickster who employs his power, speed, and cunning to trick his adversaries (Image via Riot Games)

Wukong is one of the best jungle champions in League of Legends, especially in the current patch. He's a highly mobile champion with strong ganking potential and team-fighting abilities.

Win rate: 50.1%

Wukong's passive grants him additional armor and health regeneration, and his ultimate "Cyclone" is incredibly powerful in battles for dragons and barons.


Strong against: Malphite, Gragas, Jax

Weak against: Yone, Urgot, Olaf

With the most recent Drake buff, it's essential to use Wukong to play around the bot lane. He is also one of the best jungle champions for ganking and starting team fights.

The best weapon in Wukong's arsenal is his ultimate, as it has good pick potential and can steal Baron or Drake frequently.

Best Wukong players in MSI 2023: Oner (T1), Peanut (GenG), Kanavi (JDG), Elyoya (Mad Lions)

4) Vi

Vi is both fearsome and fearless, and she is constantly on the lookout for a fight (Image via Riot Games)
Vi is both fearsome and fearless, and she is constantly on the lookout for a fight (Image via Riot Games)

With excellent mobility and a high CC skill set, Vi is one of the best jungle champions for MSI 2023. She is a versatile pick with incredible early-game ganks and can play as a tank, carry, or bruiser.

Win rate: 50.7%

When playing Vi, the most important aspect is to land her Q for CC and damage. Importantly, it's critical to avoid being outscaled late in the game.


Best against: Lee Sin, Sylas, Sejuani

Weak against: Maokai, Wukong, Evelynn

To begin, it is crucial to farm as quickly as possible to level 3 and then look to gank to apply pressure. When ganking, Vi's Q is an amazing gap closer. However, it can be dodged or flashed.

When you enter midgame, Vi's ultimate gives you a free engagement tool, and if your team can follow up, it's usually an easy kill. Her ultimate makes it quite easy to lock someone down and blow them to pieces.

Best Vi players in MSI 2023: Oner (T1), Elyoya (Mad Lions), XUN (BLG)

5) Nidalee

Nidalee is an expert tracker who can transform at any time into a vicious pakaa (Image via Riot Games)
Nidalee is an expert tracker who can transform at any time into a vicious pakaa (Image via Riot Games)

Nidalee is consistently one of the best jungle champions and can easily snowball and hyper-carry games despite the occasional meta-shift. She deals a lot of burst damage while being extremely mobile. However, the skill ceiling must be extremely high to play this champion.

Win rate: 49.3%


Best against: Viego, Graves, Jarvan IV

Weak against: Zac, Evelynn, Bel'Veth

Nidalee's ability to quickly clear the jungle and her potential for ganking are both very strong when the game begins. For her, the difference between a successful gank and a failed one is landing the spear.

In mid-to-late games, Nidalee's incredible mobility allows her to easily invade and look for picks, especially when backed up by teammates.

Best Nidalee players in MSI 2023: Oner (T1), Kanavi (JDG), XUN (BLG)

The League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational, the first significant international competition of the year, starts on Tuesday, April 2, 2023. Follow Sportskeeda for more League of Legends guides and news.

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