League of Legends patch 11.5 preview introduces nerfs to Udyr while buffing Trundle and Sejuani

A look at what League of Legends patch 11.5 will bring for its champions (Image via Riot Games)
A look at what League of Legends patch 11.5 will bring for its champions (Image via Riot Games)

With the League of Legends patch 11.5 update around the corner, Riot Games has provided a sneak peek at some of the tentative changes planned.

In a recent tweet, League of Legends gameplay design director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter outlined a few changes that the devs have in mind.

The previous patch 11.4 brought a significant amount of tweaks to the self-healing factor in-game. And with 11.5, Riot is targeting specific positions to further balance the game, as some champions are still a bit too overpowered with the new Mythic Item sets.

Picks like Udyr, Seraphine (bot), and Shaco (support) are some of the most broken and hard-to-counter champions in League of Legends at the moment.

Riot will be looking to scale down a lot of their oppressive nature and tone down their impact in patch 11.5.

Moreover, underwhelming jungle picks like Trundle and Sejuani will receive some much-needed love. They might just make their way back to the jungle meta once the version goes live.

Previewing League of Legends patch 11.5’s champion changes

All the champions mentioned in the League of Legends patch 11.5 preview changes are tentative, and the tweaks made to their kit may not make it through to the final update.

Champion nerfs:

  • Seraphine (Bot carry)
  • Udyr
  • Rammus
  • Shaco (Support)
  • Rell
  • Azir
  • Senna (Guinsoo interaction)
  • Grags

In both League of Legends’ pro play and standard matchmaking, Senna has been quite an oppressive pick since players discovered her Kraken Slayer + Guinsoo's Rageblade item combo.

Her passive makes her scale infinitely, and with her new item path, she becomes incredibly difficult to deal with during the late game. So, Riot trying to tone her down in patch 11.5 will be quite welcome.

Champion buffs:

  • Pyke
  • Karma
  • Trundle
  • Master Yi
  • Sejuani
  • Jax
  • Kog’Maw

All of these champions have been quite underwhelming in League of Legends Season 11 and will receive some much-needed love in the upcoming patch update.