League of Legends patch 12.2 to bring Rengar updates that will allow him to leap when in Chemfog

Rengar buffs will hit the Rift in League of Legends patch 12.2 (Image via Riot Games)
Rengar buffs will hit the Rift in League of Legends patch 12.2 (Image via Riot Games)

Rengar changes have been on the cards now for quite some time, and it seems that the Pridestalker will finally get some much-required tweaks in League of Legends Season 12.

While Rengar fans expected the updates to go live with the very first patch of the season, it seems that Riot Games has delayed it a bit. Hence, his upgrades will hit the servers in 12.2, due to go live on January 20.

According to Riot’s lead designer for the Summoner’s Rift team, Matt Leung-Harrison, patch 12.2, unlike 12.1, will bring in a significant number of champion changes to League of Legends.

12.1 was pretty minor and primarily dealt with fixing some key environmental issues on the map. In comparison, 12.2 will focus more on Champion balance updates, with Rengar seeing massive changes to his kit, allowing him to “leap” when inside Chemfog.

Rengar buffs to hit the Rift in League of Legends patch 12.2

Season 11 was not a great time for Rengar mains, as the champion fell off the meta quite hard after some of his core items got a significant amount of nerfs.

Remaking parts of his kit was part of Riot’s plan for some time, and it’s in 12.2 that he will be receiving those upgrades to his kit.

With the upcoming changes, Rengar will be able to use his leap from within the Chemfog, making the Chemtech Drake map quite beneficial. He will no longer have to search for bushes to proc his passive when Summoner’s Rift starts spawning the fog, thereby giving Rengar players more versatility than before.

Apart from Rengar, Tahm Kench updates will also be on the way in League of Legends patch 12.2, along with modifications to Lethal Tempo, which has recently been abused by many top laners and AD carries.

Update 12.2 is just a week and a half away, and Rengar fans will be quite excited to see if the upcoming changes allow him to come back to the meta.

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