How to change Summoner Name in League of Legends in 2022

Summoner Name can be changed in LoL for BE, RP, and sometimes also for free (Images via Riot Games)
Summoner Name can be changed in LoL for BE, RP, and sometimes also for free (Images via Riot Games)

The Summoner Name in League of Legends can be changed with a few simple steps.

Players are always prompted to select a Username and a Summoner name when they download League of Legends. Notably, the username is the name used to sign in, and only the player has access to or knowledge of it.

In League of Legends, changing a nickname or username might be a headache, but changing the Summoner Name is a straightforward task.

Riot Games introduced improvements to its account system in 2019 that prompted users to modify a few details, including their username. They launched a worldwide, universal login system, which made it impossible for identical usernames to exist, which is why the usernames were unlinked, requesting users to reset them to unique ones.

Here's an elaborate guide to how a League of Legends Summoner Name can be modified.

Summoner Name: How is it different from Username and how to change it in the League of Legends client?

Summoner Name is commonly referred to as an In-game Name or IGN (Image via Riot Games)
Summoner Name is commonly referred to as an In-game Name or IGN (Image via Riot Games)

Username is the name that appears on the player's login credentials and is displayed only to the user. Summoner Name, on the other hand, is a special name that is made available to friends and all the other League of Legends players.

A Summoner Name is commonly referred to as an In-Game Name or IGN. Changing an IGN is a great way to stay trendy and hip and can be done easily for a certain price within the client. To change the Summoner Name, players must follow the instructions below.

  • 1. Use your login credentials to access League of Legends.
  • 2. Go to the Store page after the client has opened.
  • 3. Look for the Account option on the right side of the interface, below the Riot Points (RP) and Blue Essence (BE) tracker.
  • 4. After selecting Account, an unlockable "Summoner Name Change" option should be visible.
  • 5. The option to modify summoner names will be available to you for 1300 RP or 13900 BE.
  • 6. You can check if the desired name is available before spending the money and if it is, go for it.

How to change Summoner Name for free?

If players want to make small modifications to their summoner names, such as capitalizing, adding, or removing spaces, Riot Games typically makes a one-time exception.

Players can submit a ticket by logging into the League of Legends website. They should open the Riot support issue and put "SUBJECT: Summoner Name Change" in the subject line.


If the Summoner Name is the same as the username, a player should follow the following pattern and write something like this to Riot Support:

"Hello, I'm emailing you about changing my summoner name. I'd like to request a free name change because my summoner name and account username is the same. I'm concerned about this being hacked. Please accept my gratitude."

Also, if a player wants their username to include special characters, the message to Riot should be written as follows:

"Hello, I would like to have my summoner name changed to (insert your new name). The name needs only a few more characters, please. Please accept my gratitude.

Hence, this article should have provided League players with all the information they need to change the Summoner Name in the game.

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