League of Legends Star Guardian 2022 teaser: Easter Egg hints at Jinx’s graffiti, Kai'Sa's skin, Akali's Ramen and more

League of Legends Star Guardian 2022 teaser features numerous Easter Eggs (Images via Riot Games)
League of Legends Star Guardian 2022 teaser features numerous Easter Eggs (Images via Riot Games)

The official teaser for the forthcoming League of Legends Star Guardian Event has been unveiled by Riot Games. Players can expect the next in-game event to begin on July 14, according to the one-minute anime-style teaser.

The teaser, tited "Return to Valoran City," has a typical anime design with bright hues and sakura flowers that could be hints at Star Guardian skins of Ahri, Rakan, Xayah, Jinx, and the upcoming ones for Akali, Rell, Sona, and Kai’Sa.


The one-minute video not only informs League of Legends players about the impending Star Guardian event, but also contains hints about which champions will be given a starry makeover.

The visuals display an urbanesque high-school setting and is featured in an aesthetic compilation of different scenes without people. A pink-haired woman wearing a Star Guardian pendant around her neck is also showcased in the teaser's final shots, whose face isn't fully exposed.

Fans have already dug deep into the teaser and have started connecting the dots, referring to the official League of Legends lore. Here are a few Easter Eggs from the teaser that Riot might have hinted at, indicating the upcoming Star Guardian skins.

10 Notable Easter Eggs in the "Return to Valoran City" teaser, revealing hidden information about the League of Legends Star Guardian event

1. Star Guardian Ahri’s Kiko and her cellphone

Easter Eggs for Star Guardian Ahri (Image via League of Legends)
Easter Eggs for Star Guardian Ahri (Image via League of Legends)

Viewers are introduced to a study table with a plush toy, a phone, a headphone set, and an orb with a tag hanging from it after descending from the clouds. A polaroid of two pals, one of whom appears to be Star Guardian Ahri, hangs on the room's wall. Kiko, Ahri's magical medium, is also represented by the plush doll.

2. Star Guardian Rakan and Star Guardian Xayah featured on a love-lock

Easter Egg for Star Guardian Xayah and Rakan (Image via League of Legends)
Easter Egg for Star Guardian Xayah and Rakan (Image via League of Legends)

The camera steadily focuses on a lock with two separate feathers painted on it, one in red and the other in pink, about 14 seconds into the teaser. The lock on the bridge setting could be a reference to Paris' love lock bridge, as Xayah and Rakan are a quirky pair in League of Legends.

3. Star Guardian Jinx’s graffiti and a potential hint at Star Guardian Fiddlesticks

Easter Eggs for Star Guardian Fiddlesticks and Jinx (Image via League of Legends)
Easter Eggs for Star Guardian Fiddlesticks and Jinx (Image via League of Legends)

At 16 seconds into the teaser, viewers will notice two distinct things. A frightening figure on the ground in a dark alley with staring eyes is likely to be the first thing people notice. It could be a reference to the upcoming Star Guardian Fiddlesticks skin, which is rumored to be part of this cosmetic range. It could also be the magical medium of Star Guardian Syndra: Multi.

The second thing to note is the right-hand-side wall, which may have a recognisable design, resembling Jinx's monkey graffiti. This is an allusion to Jinx, the Star Guardian.

4. Ramen Cup hints at Star Guardian Akali

Easter Egg for Star Guardian Akali (Image via League of Legends)
Easter Egg for Star Guardian Akali (Image via League of Legends)

Akali is one of the few League of Legends champions with a specific animation in which she eats Ramen. A Ramen cup can be seen on the floor 18 seconds into the video, which could be confirmation of speculations that a new Star Guardian Akali is in the works.

Akali is a Ramen-lover (Image via Riot Games)
Akali is a Ramen-lover (Image via Riot Games)

At 37 seconds, the teaser showcases a classroom with a bag possessing a Ramen-zip pin. This could be a hint for the Star Guardian Akali skin once again.

5. A city tower features Riot Games logo

Riot Games logo (Image via Riot Games)
Riot Games logo (Image via Riot Games)

The teaser takes its viewers on a tour of this lovely, Japanese-inspired city, with the camera paning along the skyline of Valoran City. Riot Games' red fist logo is visible in one of the towers on the right side of the screen.

6. Elder Dragon logo as the school’s emblem

Elder Dragon Emblem (Image via Riot Games)
Elder Dragon Emblem (Image via Riot Games)

From the streets of Valoran City, viewers are taken for a tour at the high school. While scanning through the school building, the camera zooms in on an emblem with a Dragon. This isn't just another dragon, but a representation of League of Legends' all-powerful Elder Dragon.

7. Star Guardian Taliyah on classroom locker?

Hint at Star Guardian Taliyah (Image via Riot Games)
Hint at Star Guardian Taliyah (Image via Riot Games)

The teaser turns to a scene showcasing student lockers inside the school, with pink shoes, a stack of pencils on a stand, and stickers and polaroids pasted to the interior of one of the open lockers.

Three women can be seen in one of the polaroids, and one on the far left looks like Taliyah due to her trademark haircut, hinting at her potential Star Guardian skin.

8. Musical surroundings hint at Star Guardian Sona

Easter Egg for Star Guardian Sona (Image via Riot Games)
Easter Egg for Star Guardian Sona (Image via Riot Games)

Music rehearsal rooms and many musical notations can be observed near the end of the teaser. Viewers should be able to notice a pencil pouch covered in musical notes again at the 36th second in the empty classroom. These are hints towards the Star Guardian Sona skin that is expected to be released on July 14.

9. Star Guardian Kai'Sa, the protagonist?

Probable Star Guardian Kai'Sa (Image via Riot Games)
Probable Star Guardian Kai'Sa (Image via Riot Games)

The video ends with a girl with pink hair wearing a school uniform, which could very well be Star Guardian Kai'Sa. Kai'Sa can be seen wearing pink hair and a stellar white League of Legends Star Guardian costume from previously leaked in-game models.

10. A Quick Coca-Cola advertisement

Coca-Cola promotional (Image via Riot Games)
Coca-Cola promotional (Image via Riot Games)

23 seconds into the Star Guardian teaser, a Coca-Cola bottle alongside filled glasses can be noticed on one of the tables at an empty cafeteria. This might be a promotional display for Riot Games and Coca-Cola's new multi-year partnership in regards to the Wild Rift Esports league.

With this Easter Egg-filled teaser, the League of Legends community, who were looking for confirmation of the rumoured Star Guardian skins, are now left even more perplexed and intrigued.

All speculations and confusions will be dispelled on July 14, and the event may be split into two patches - League of Legends Patch 12.13 and 12.14 - due to the event's size and potential introduction of as many as 11 new skins.

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