League of Legends rumors suggest that Fiddlesticks and Quinn will receive Star Guardian skins in 2022 

Fiddlesticks and Quinn might be getting Star Guardian skins as per leakers (Image via Riot Games)
Fiddlesticks and Quinn might be getting Star Guardian skins as per leakers (Image via Riot Games)

Rumors regarding Star Guardian skins in League of Legends have become quite prevalent over the past few months. Almost every week, new leaks are being released on a new champion who will be under the Star Guardian banner.

In fact, just a few days back, Star Guardian Rell was leaked by the Korean League of Legends community. It turns out that two more champions will be getting the skin alongside Rell, which includes Fiddlesticks and Quinn.

However, the skin for Fiddlesticks will have some lore implications as well, specifically related to Zoe. Thus, it seems like the Star Guardian banner is set to get really interesting once it is released this year.


Everything League of Legends fans need to know regarding Star Guardian Fiddlesticks and Quinn

As per the various leaks that have come out so far, Star Guardian Kai'Sa and Rell are the two which seem to be quite confirmed by the League of Legends community. However, there will probably be even more, which the community is still unsure about.

Fortunately, recent information from leakers suggests that Fiddlesticks and Quinn will also be part of the latest Star Guardian skinline. While there is not much information on Quinn, apparently Fiddlesticks will have some really interesting stories attached to the skin.

Firstly, there is a rumor that Fiddlesticks' Star Guardian skin will be based on his old concept art. It seems he will get a more demonic look and that his skin will give him the features of a true villain in the League of Legends universe.

Unless players are aware, Fiddlesticks is basically an "ageless horror." He draws on power by feeding off the fear and paranoia within people. Apparently he is almost 10,000 years old, which means that he is quite ancient.

Thus, he has some history with other sentient beings within the same universe as well. As such, there is a dialogue in League of Legends, which triggers when Fiddlesticks (on his surprise party skin) and Zoe meet for the first time within the game.

The dialogue states the following:

"Nice key you go there, Twilight. Didn't steal it from someone dangerous did you?"

It seems that the latest Star Guardian skin might provide some information on what key Zoe stole and how it is related to Fiddlesticks. Thus, whatever happens, it seems that the Star Guardian event in 2022 is going to be quite good and fans can expect some amazing surprises as well.

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