League of Legends’ upcoming ADC Zeri, the Spark of Zaun: Release date and all abilities explained

Zeri in League of Legends: All abilities explained (Images via Riot Games)
Zeri in League of Legends: All abilities explained (Images via Riot Games)

Zeri, the Spark of Zaun, will be the first champion to get added to the League of Legends roster in season 12.

The AD carry will drop on the Summoner’s Rift with patch 12.2, which is expected to go live on January 20, 2022,

The Zaunite is described as a “headstrong, spirited young woman from Zaun’s working-class”. She harnesses the power of electricity and wields a rifle that contains a conductive barrel, which amplifies her power “directly from her hands.”

Zeri is available in the League of Legends PBE right now, and she comes with an incredibly unique kit that players are having a lot of fun experimenting with.

Zeri in League of Legends: All abilities explained

1) Passive: Living Battery


Zeri’s passive will allow her to get a burst of movement speed whenever she gains or receives a shield. Additionally, whenever she damages’ an enemy’s shield, she will be able to absorb its energy and shield herself with it.

2) Q: Burst Fire

Image via Zwag Xerath's YouTube channel
Image via Zwag Xerath's YouTube channel

Passive: Zeri’s basic attacks deal magic damage, it scales with Ability Power and will be treated as an ability. Moving and attacking enemies with Burst Fire will allow her to store up energy in her Sparkpack.

When fully charged, Zeri’s next basic attack will expend all her charge and deal bonus damage while slowing the target hit (much-like Statikk Shiv).

Active: When activated, Zeri’s Q, Burst Fire, will shoot a burst of seven rounds in a line that will deal physical damage to the first enemy hit.

3) W: Ultrashock Laser

Image via Zwag Xerath's YouTube channel
Image via Zwag Xerath's YouTube channel

Zeri’s W fires an electric pulse that will damage the first enemy hit as well as slow them down. However, if the ability hits the wall or terrain, it will fire a long-range beam instead from the point of impact.

4) E: Spark Surge

Image via Zwag Xerath's YouTube channel
Image via Zwag Xerath's YouTube channel

Spark Surge allows Zeri to be quite mobile in and out of the laning phase. With this, League of Legends players will be able to dash a short distance and energize Zeri’s Burst Fire for the next three casts, which will allow her to pierce through enemies and not just affect the first target hit.

Spark Surge will also let her vault over terrain, depending on the angle at which it is cast. Hitting enemies with an attack or ability will reduce the cooldown of Spark Surge.

5) R: Lightning Crash

Image via Zwag Xerath's YouTube channel
Image via Zwag Xerath's YouTube channel

Zeri’s ultimate lets her discharge a nova of electricity that will damage her enemies and overcharges her for some time.

When “Overcharged”, Zeri will gain bonus damage, attack speed, as well as movement speed. When attacking enemies in this state, she will refresh overcharge duration and apply another stack of movement speed on herself.

Overcharged also causes her Burst Fire’s damage to concentrate into a much faster “triple shot”, which chains lighting between enemies if they are close to each other.

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