League of Legends: Why Fiddlesticks is S tier in ARAM mode

Image via WallpaperAccess
Image via WallpaperAccess

League of Legends's ARAM game mode pairs two teams of 5 players against each other in a one-lane clash where champions are selected at random. Some champions are built better for this game mode than others, including ones like Fiddlesticks with his ability kit and mechanics.


As per League of Legends' 11.13 patch, Fiddlesticks currently ranks high as one of the best junglers in the solo queue despite being placed lower in the past. In ARAM, however, he's always been a god-tier champion to roll if players are lucky enough.

There are several reasons as to why Fiddlesticks is an overall strong League of Legends champion, much less in Aram. Here's why he dominates most of the other champions in the ARAM mode.

Fiddlesticks's overpowered gameplay in League of Legends ARAM mode


We can't ignore one of the game's most effective healers who can refill his HP bar with ease in a matter of a few seconds. Fiddlesticks's W allows him to sap massive amounts of health from enemies at the cost of remaining still.

Since players can't recall in ARAM and can only heal from the Healing Rifts that pop up every 90 seconds, this ability is invaluable.

Fiddlesticks can take damage and drop down to low health, and then come right back to the fight with a couple casts of his W.

Warding ability

Players cannot purchase wards in League of Legends's ARAM mode, making spying in bushes rather difficult. Luckily for the game's nightmare scarecrow, Fiddlesticks comes with a built-in ward.

His Passive ability gives him a Scarecrow trinket right off the bat that he can place anywhere to mimic him. The Scarecrow trinket grants vision like a normal ward, which, in this case, is something no other League of Legends champion can produce.

Vision on the side bushes and in the middle of the lane can lead to an ace with proper planning. Sneak attacks from assassins or tanks in the bushes can destroy unsuspecting teams, so having a champion that can provide such vision is invaluable.

Ultimate ability

Fiddlesticks's ultimate ability nearly covers the entire lane in ARAM, dealing widespread damage to all 5 enemy players if they are grouped together. Since Fiddlestick's Passive basically gives him bush-vision superiority, his fearful powers are going to hit almost every time.

When Fiddle lands an ult, he can instill fear in the entire enemy team, dish out hundreds of points of damage, and let his team swoop in.

That ability alone makes Fiddlestick overpowered in League of Legends and it only strengthens its monstrous results in ARAM.

Fiddlesticks's impact on an ARAM game is nearly unchallenged. His versatility as well as effectiveness in a teamfight make him one of the best champions to have on a team.

If players are lucky enough to roll him, with there being a less than 1% chance if all champions are owned, they'll have a huge edge on their team. Fiddlesticks still reigns as one of League of Legends' best teamfighting champions, so it's no surprise he's doing well in a teamfight mode.

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