LOL: The Week 1 of the LCS and LEC was all about Senna and Aphelios.

Senna and Aphelios dominated proplay in Week 1 of the Spring Split
Senna and Aphelios dominated proplay in Week 1 of the Spring Split

Senna and Aphelios in the current League of Legends patch of 10.2 are one of the strongest if not outright broken. They can dominate any form of 2v2 match-up, and scale to a late-game beast with a ton of damage and utility at their disposal.

However, their popularity is not just limited to solo queue ranked games alone.

The Week 1 of both the LEC and LCS Spring Split saw a Senna or Aphelios pick/ban in almost all of the games, and pro teams were able to show fans how incredibly effective these two can be in the right hands.

In the LCS particularly, Senna and Aphelios were either picked or banned in all the games except for one.

Aphelios secure a much better win rate than Senna
Aphelios secure a much better win rate than Senna

Aphelios was played in four games, and he won in each of them, except for the one where Evil Geniuses picked him up against Dignitas. EG were thoroughly crushed by Huni and his gang in a 28-minute game, where a lot of EG’s flaws in decision making came to the surface.

Unlike Aphelios, Senna wasn’t banned all that much, and she was picked in 8 times out of the 10 games played. But, her win rate in comparison is much lower, as she was only victorious in 3 of those games while losing the rest 5.

The LEC too, saw a ridiculous amount of Senna-Aphelios pick and ban rate; Aphelios faced a rate of 90% while it was 80% for Senna.

In Week 1, the bot lane match-ups of the LEC hardly showed much variation in terms of champions picks. Only 5 different ADC’s were being played across all 10 games, but that didn’t stop the games from being any less fun than what they usually are.

Senna and Aphelios are some of the best ADC meta picks at the moment, but that’s soon to change in 10.3, as Riot looks to bring in some much-needed nerfs and balance changes.

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