League of Legends: Top 10 Underrated Picks for patch 10.1

Underrated champions in current meta
Underrated champions in current meta

The League of Legends patch 10.1 has been out for a while now, and most players are familiar with the meta by now.

With the Conqueror changes and the new lethality items, we know which champions are strong in each lane. But, what we don’t know or don’t often talk about are the underrated picks; the ‘sleeper OP’ champions that can dominate each matchup in the right hands.

So what are some of the off-meta yet broken champions that we should take a look at? Let’s find out.

Top Lane


Malhazar is great at controlling objectives
Malhazar is great at controlling objectives

Not much changes for Malzahar in the top lane than how he is played in mid lane, just ‘get some lane priority, farm, get items, push and ult when required.’

He might struggle early on against Bruiser champions like Jax and Darius, but later on in the game, his monstrous wave clear potential makes him a viable threat on the side lanes. He is capable of constantly generating pressure for the team.


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Even though her 1v9 potential was never really nerfed in any of the recent patches, Illaoi’s play rate has significantly plummeted during the pre-season. The new Conqueror, coupled with Black Cleaver and Death’s Dance, makes Illaoi an unkillable machine.

She becomes very hard to take down and can soak up a lot of pressure on the side lanes, leaving her team free to take objectives.



Kindred has a solid early game
Kindred has a solid early game

The meta for Season 10 and patch 10.1 revolves around aggressive playstyle and hard pushing.

And what screams ‘aggression’ more than early game junglers and gankers? In that category, Kindred is perhaps one of the most dominant picks. Her camp clear speed, and incredible counter jungling and invade potential, makes her a force to be reckoned with.


Taliyah packs a lot of magic damage Enter caption
Taliyah packs a lot of magic damage Enter caption

Taliyah is the perfect jungle pick when your team needs that extra bit of magic damage to add to the comp.

She doesn’t fall off as hard as Elise in the late game and stays relevant even until the 30-minute mark with great zoning abilities and objective control. Her ganking potential is great as well, and she has one of the best camp clear speeds in the game.

Mid Lane


Wukong's ultimate is a game changer
Wukong's ultimate is a game changer

Wukong can easily dominate a lane, especially against squishy champions. He has a lot of burst damage in his kit, and all his abilities are very easy to execute, which makes him very easy to play.

His ultimate ‘Cyclone’ can be devastating in a team fight and can single-handedly win a losing game.


Anivia scales super well Enter caption Enter caption
Anivia scales super well Enter caption Enter caption

Anivia is in a very similar stage as to what Ryze was in Season 9. She takes a long time to scale, but when she does, the bird can single-handedly blow up the enemy team no matter how much magic resistance they are stacking. Her ‘W’ ‘Crystallize’ forms a wall, which can not just zone out the ADC, but help in securing objectives as well.

Bot Lane/ADC


Cassiopeia is a strong bot laner at the current state
Cassiopeia is a strong bot laner at the current state

Cassiopeia has been finding a lot of sucess with Conqueror in the bot lane. With high sustain, CC, and high kill pressure from the early game onwards, Cassiopeia can take over any game once she has her items up and running. She pairs very well with all support picks and has a relatively easy laning phase than the more popular bot lane picks.


A lane bully, Heimerdinger is very annoying to face in the bot lane. His turrets are quite hard to play around, and fully engaging on him during a gank is even more difficult to pull off. He is a very strong pick at the moment with strong scaling throughout the game.

Heimerdinger is very difficult to lane against
Heimerdinger is very difficult to lane against



Taric brings a lot of CC
Taric brings a lot of CC

The recent Guardian rune buffs ( with lowered cooldown) is what paved the way for Taric resurfacing as a viable support pick. He can act as a beefy frontline during team fights, and his ultimate Cosmic Radiance can turn the tides of any battle. In this aggressive, diver -heavy meta, it’s very important to keep your teammates alive and Taric is perfect candidate for that.


Nami has a strong laning phase
Nami has a strong laning phase

Nami received some love from Riot this patch. Her‘E, Tidecaller’s Blessing, will now apply the slow effect with abilities as well, apart from auto-attacks. This makes her a lot more versatile as a support, and she can now pair very well with bot lane mage picks like Cassiopeia and Heimerdinger.

Provisional Ranked is Upon us.

With the Provisional Ranked upon us, solo queue climbers will look for some great and unique ways to better their elo this season. And we hope that our Underrated Champion guide today could help you out with your climb.

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