League of Legends: Top picks for each role in patch 9.18

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Via LOL Esports

League of Legends patch 9.18 has rolled in and its time to take a look at the top picks for each role. This is the pre-Worlds patch, so these champions will still be relevant for upcoming patches.

These picks are strong right now and will yield a higher success rate compared to other champions. All the champions on the list are easy to play and don't require high mechanical skills for their effectiveness. These champions aren't banned/picked regularly, which means you can easily get your hands on them.

Top Lane:

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Via LOL Esports

Jax had a buff few patches ago where 2 seconds were reduced on his 'Q' Cooldown. This made his early game much better. He still is a menace going into the late game. Also, he is tanky and at the same time deals a lot of damage.

As soon as Jax completes his Spear of Sojin, it becomes almost impossible to deal with him. He can play the side lanes and destroy the turrets, or he can be a dominating force in team fights. His early game is much stronger than it used to be and he has hardly had any bad matchups.


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Via LOL Esports

Dr. Mundo is extremely easy to play and doesn't require hours of practice. He has a decent jungle clear with his 'E' and he is capable of power farming. Once you get your Cinderhulk, you become an unstoppable force. You can duel just about anybody and its very difficult to take you down. Eventually, you become a great frontline for your team, which allows you to effectively peel for your carries.

Mid Lane:

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Via LOL Esports

Ekko has received multiple buffs over the past few patches. His 'W' now stuns for 2.25 seconds instead of 1.75 seconds, which makes it one of the longest non-ultimate crowd controls in the game. His ultimate cooldown was also reduced which allows him to play more aggressively. He deals solid damage and is extremely mobile when played correctly.

AD Carry:

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Via LOL Esports

Caitlyn is another champion who has received multiple buffs over the past few patches. She has a high range, which makes her very safe to play. Her traps are a great tool to control choke points and her ultimate can be used to snipe other lanes. Caitlyn is very oppressive in the lane and when paired with the right support, can win you games through the lane itself. She doesn't have a bad late game either, and she scales pretty well with items.


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Via LOL Esports

Leona is an engaging support who can make or break team fights. She is one of the very few support champions to have playmaking abilities. She is very tanky and can deal decent damage in the lane. Her 'W' can mitigate a lot of damage, which allows her to be a proper front line. The 'E' cooldown goes very low with items, which means you can spam the ability as much as you want.

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