LOL: The LCK does not like Senna at all

Senna was picked in just one game out of the 26 in week 1 of the LCK Spring
Senna was picked in just one game out of the 26 in week 1 of the LCK Spring

For a champion that has seen over a 90 percent pick and ban rate in the LEC and LCS, to have just been picked once in the first week of the LCK is something that is truly baffling for all League of Legends fans.

Senna has been a dominant (if not at times oppressive) pick over at the LEC and the LCS, boasting as well as sharing one of the highest pick and ban rate with Aphelios.

Pros just love picking her as she comes with an incredibly powerful kit that makes her have a pretty good laning and team fight presence. She does a ton of damage, while at the same keeping her teammates' life bar topped with her healing and shields.

However, even though she has such a big presence in the west, the east looks at her a bit more differently. In the LCK, especially, the Koreans are not big fans of her. She was hardly ever banned, and when left opened, she was not contested for at all, except that one time in 26 games.

Crit Miss Fortune is doing much better than her Lethality Counterpart (image uploaded by LOL Slow Motions)
Crit Miss Fortune is doing much better than her Lethality Counterpart (image uploaded by LOL Slow Motions)

And even though Senna might not be such a big part of the Korean meta, Aphelios and Miss Fortune still are. Crit Miss Fortune has been slowly but surely rising in vogue in all the regions, and she was picked around 18 times in the 1st week of the LCK itself.

But for all those Senna haters, there is a bit of good news, as the champion is soon to receive some nerfs in the AD carry role in 10.3. Her relevance in the ADC meta will be dropping significantly, and teams will be prioritizing her a whole lot less in the coming weeks.

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