Massive Tahm Kench changes hit the League of Legends PBE, as Riot looks to make him more viable in season 12

Tahm Kench will be made more viable as a support in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Tahm Kench will be made more viable as a support in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

In League of Legends patch 12.2, Riot Games will be looking to make Tahm Kench much more viable as a support champion once again.

After the most recent kit rework, the River King saw a much higher pick rate as well as win rate in the top lane. As a result, he fell off the meta as a support, which has led to developers looking to fix that in the upcoming update.

However, this does not mean that Kench will be losing his viability in the top lane any time soon, as Riot will look to find some parity between how effective he is in both roles.

As of now, Tahm Kench is one of the most popular top laners in League of Legends, and sits at a healthy 7.23% pick rate with a 51.77% win rate, according to LoLalytics. Much like his pick rate, his ban rate is also rather high, which is precisely what the developers will try and look to balance in future updates.


Tahm Kench will be made more viable as a support in League of Legends

The League of Legends patch 12.2 cycle has already hit the PBE test server, bringing with it a significant number of changes to Tahm Kench’s kit. Riot will be looking to bring him back to the support meta in season 12, and perhaps even help him have a better pick rate in the bot lane in professional games.

Listed below are all Tahm Kench changes that hit the League of Legends PBE:

Q: Tongue Lash

  • Slow 40% to 50%

E: Thick Skin

  • Damage to Grey Health 45-65% to 15-55%, increased to 45-65% if there are 2 or more visible nearby enemy champions.
  • Grey Health to Health 30-100% scaling from level 1-18 to 45-100% scaling from level 1-18.

R: Devour

  • [UPDATED] Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to three seconds and are granted a shield for up to 2.5 seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is grounded during this effect, but can cast Abyssal Dive and gains 40% Move Speed for 3 seconds.
  • Ally shield 400/500/600 (+100% AP) to 500/700/900 (+150% AP).
  • Ally cast slows Kench for 30/20/10% for the duration of the devour to Grants Kench 40% Move Speed for 3.