"An alarming precedent": Twitch streamer Amouranth might lose over $500,000 a year over Hot-Tub streams

Twitter Image Via Amouranth
Twitter Image Via Amouranth

Amouranth is a Twitch streamer with 2.8 million followers on the platform. She recently had ads suspended on Twitch without notice, and this has dealt her a massive financial blow, according to the streamer herself.

How much a streamer makes from ads can vary greatly, and due to that the public tends to be in the dark about ad revenue. However, Amouranth responded to a comment on Reddit about her situation. When a user pointed out that ads bring in a ton of money when run regularly, Amouranth confirmed that she was making $35,000-$40,000 every month from ad revenue. That adds up to nearly $500,000 every year.

With the new developments on Amouranth's channel, other Twitch streamers have become a little more wary of the content they post on the platform.

Why did Amouranth have ads suspended on her Twitch channel?


Not only were the ads on Amouranth's channel suspended for the foreseeable future without notice, but the ruling was made without any specific reason as well.

Of course, most of the community assumed that the decision was made due to her consistent hot tub streams, which have been a major controversy on Twitch. Up until this point, Twitch has been adamant that hot tub streams are not against the terms of service. But ad revenue is clearly set under a different umbrella.

"This is an ALARMING precedent and serves as a stark warning that although content may not ostensibly break community guidelines or Terms of service, Twitch has complete discretion to target individual channels & partially or wholly demonetized them for content that is deemed “not advertiser friendly", something that there is no communicated guideline for. This leaves open-ended the question of where the line is drawn."

Mined data revealed that Twitch has a new streamer content rating system and steamers like Devin Nash pointed out that it was for targeted ads.

Now that targeted ad systems appear to be implemented on Twitch, it's entirely possible more streamers will begin to see the same removal of ads without notice. What complicates the situation is the fact that ads and Twitch's terms of service appear to have two different sets of rules that they operate on.