"We are all food for pros now": Apex Legends players once again complain about state of ranked matches

The current matchmaking has caused a lot of frustration (Image via Respawn)
The current matchmaking has caused a lot of frustration (Image via Respawn)

The ranked system continues to be a major headache for Apex Legends players as matchmaking continues to create lopsided matches. While many are suffering from it, professional gamers have grand feats.

Being put in the same lobby with lesser-ranked users makes it easier for them to get kills. This was shown as a collage by one Reddit user.

Some professionals like Aceu have spoken positively about the ranked system. However, a majority of the Apex Legends players are vehemently against it.

They believe that the current matchmaking is a significant nuisance and ruins the experience for many. In addition, the wide disparity in users is causing a mess, and many want a change.

Apex Legends gamers tired of being put in same lobby as pros

The original post was made by u/CAPTAI1NACE, who shared a collage made of kill notices. There's a common trend as professional players in ranked get all the kills.

Such lopsided matchmaking has been a feeding ground for higher-skilled users.

Others shared what they thought about these incidents, which have become a norm. One gamer thinks that Respawn is completely over their head, assuming the current system is working. If anything, it's doing the exact opposite.

For some, this added competition is doing the exact opposite and driving them away from ranked.

One player added that they have stopped playing ranked, at least until Respawn changes the system.

After reaching Platinum, one user narrated their entire experience and what made them quit. They constantly got Gold-tier enemies as teammates while they had to play against Masters and Predators.

The recent matchmaking has divided the Apex Legends gamer base. Many feel that professionals praising the ranked system are doing so because it benefits them more.

Some sympathized with beginners in Silver and Bronze. With the current matchmaking, they have barely any hopes of ranking up.

Another gamer added that the disparity in skills would be greater in the lower ranks, making it all the more difficult for beginners to win matches.

One player in Plat feels that the entire system is quite nonsensical.

Many have complained that the current matchmaking in Apex Legends lacks integrity. To them, the system seems to have been deliberately created by Respawn to benefit professional players.

It appears that users are growing more and more frustrated as the current season develops. At this rate, Respawn needs changes to retain their interest.

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