Brutal Rust raid leaves player in tears, threatens with ban to no avail

Image via Facepunch Studios
Image via Facepunch Studios

Rust is a game where every animal and player can be your enemy, and your hard work can be taken from you in a matter of minutes.

As seen in this video, a young child with the username of Ultimand learned the brutality of the game the hard way, when another player, named SebbyK, found his way into the young player's base by waiting patiently and methodically in front of Ultimand's main door.

The second the door opened, SebbyK blasted his way in and strategically went on to take everything from the Ultimand. Ultimand tried making multiple deals, one being a rock-paper-scissors game and another being that if SebbyK left some loot, then Ultimand would help SebbyK leave.

Unfortunately, whenever SebbyK would accept a deal, Ultimand would go back on his word which would eventually lead to SebbyK having no mercy on the newer player. Tearful threats and screams of "Why?" can be heard multiple times through the recording, and it was clear as to why Ultimand cared enough about his base to threaten to report SebbyK and to even cry for the majority of the video.

The amount of loot that was stashed could take hours to find. Still, this is how things are done in Rust, and the video of the two squabbling is a gem that will last far longer than the loot stolen from Ultimand's base.

Related: "I don't want you to be sad": Sykkuno overwhelms xQc with kindness during the "Rust" stream

Related: Pokimane quits OfflineTV's Rust server, says she is not having fun

Rust has become incredibly popular due to streamers taking up the game

It is no wonder why a younger audience has taken to the game so much. A large number of high profile streamers, like Corpse Husband, Jacksepticeye, LAZARBEAM, and H2ODelirious, among others, have picked up this eight-year-old game.

Even the developers themselves are happy to see the numbers rise. Wherever the game may go from here, there are surely more memorable moments to come.

Related: The meteoric rise of Rust: Why popular streamers are turning to an 8-year old game