COD Mobile brings back Legendary bundles with MSMC - Space Station

MSMC Space Station is back in COD Mobile Season 7 (Image via CODM_murdablast, Twitter)
MSMC Space Station is back in COD Mobile Season 7 (Image via CODM_murdablast, Twitter)

COD Mobile Season 7 is live and veteran players who have been around since 2019 will feel a sense of nostalgia if they glance at the store today. COD Mobile has once again added legendary bundles to the game so that players can purchase and obtain a legendary weapon without having to spin any lucky draws.

MSMC - Space Station is back in the game not as a redux draw, but as a bundle in the store. This happened for the first time in early 2020 when players of certain regions noticed that their stores had legendary bundles in the game while others had lucky draws.


It seems that COD Mobile is planning on re-releasing these bundles, and players are delighted to have a chance at obtaining older legendary weapons from the game that they may have missed in the past.

Legendary MSMC - Space Station bundle back in COD Mobile: Price and other details

When Legendary bundles were first added to COD Mobile, the price for each bundle was 2400 CP. It seems like COD Mobile did not change the price on these bundles and the Fusion Core Bundle is still priced at 2400 CP, which amounts to roughly 20 USD.


The price of the bundle will be different for different regions, but the components will stay the same. This is not the only Legendary bundle that has been added to COD Mobile over the years. Legendary AK-47 Pumpkin Head and GKS-Unicorn were also available as part of their respective legendary bundles.

If COD Mobile resumes this practice, players can expect a lot of other legendaries to return to the game. With Halloween a month away, the odds that players might see the Pumpkin Head AK-47 in a store bundle again are high.


For players who are new and are keen on purchasing old legendary weapons in COD Mobile, they can also check the 'For You' section in the store every week. A new lucky draw is added to the section with every store refresh and players stand a chance to pull legendary weapons from the game's past.

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