COD Mobile is giving away a free legendary weapon in Lunar New Year celebrations

S36 Phobos has been leaked as a free gift as a part of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations in COD Mobile (Image via Call of Duty: Mobile)
S36 Phobos has been leaked as a free gift as a part of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations in COD Mobile (Image via Call of Duty: Mobile)

COD Mobile Season 11 'Final Snow' will come to an end in the middle of January 2022 and leaks regarding the yearly reset are pouring in. COD Mobile will once again reset to Season 1 for 2022 and players can expect a huge update in the coming days.

Based on the new leaks, COD Mobile is giving away a legendary weapon for free to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. The leaks have come from the Chinese version of the game and it shows that a legendary S36 Phobos will be given away for free in that version of the game.

It is tough to confirm if the global version of the game will follow the same suit. According to the trends, the Lunar New Year celebrations are not restricted to the Chinese version.

Global players were treated to a free AK-47 Year of the OX epic blueprint last year in light of the same celebrations. Therefore, there is a chance that the global version of COD Mobile will also see a free gift, if not the legendary S36 Phobos.

Why COD Mobile players might be disappointed with a legendary S36 gift in global server

There is a chance that global players will not get the S36 legendary as a free gift during the rumored upcoming event. While it sounds very tempting, especially for free-to-play players, the S36 Phobos skin has been released twice in the global server as part of lucky draws and multiple players have already paid a hefty price for the skin.

Releasing it for free will bring huge backlash from players who had to purchase the skin when it was first released.

With Chinese Nuketown confirmed for the global server, the celebrations are expected to commence in full swing. The rewards are currently unknown for the global version of the game, but players can expect something similar to the AK-47 Year of the Ox skin and the HBra3 epic blueprint.

However, Chinese players can rejoice as they will have the opportunity to unlock legendary weapon blueprints for free. Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations begin January 24, 2022 on COD Mobile.

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