COD Mobile: MX9 legendary draw and Cassius operator skin announced 

New MX9 legendary comes out tomorrow in COD Mobile (Image via Twitter/@CodmIntel)
New MX9 legendary comes out tomorrow in COD Mobile (Image via Twitter/@CodmIntel)

COD Mobile has announced the last lucky draw for this season, and it is going to be for the MX9 legendary gun. This legendary blueprint was leaked a long time back and finally the gun is going to be added to the COD Mobile store tomorrow.

MX9 is a versatile sub-machine gun that is great in close ranges and quite stable in medium and long ranges as well.

The large magazine size complements the damage drop-off at range and allows COD Mobile players to secure kills by spamming the weapon.

The recoil is easy to master and with the right build, players can almost bring the recoil down to nil.

How to unlock the MX9 in COD Mobile?

To unlock the MX9 in COD Mobile, players will have to reach tier 21 of the free Battle Pass. The base version of the weapon is unlocked at tier 21 and there is an epic blueprint at tier 50 that premium Battle Pass owners can unlock.

The attachments for the weapon can be unlocked by leveling up the MX9 using Weapon XP cards. If players do not have enough, they simply have to grind with the weapon and unlock every level.

What to expect from the Wetland Warrior draw?

The MX9 legendary blueprint will be a part of the Wetland Warrior draw that is coming out tomorrow in COD Mobile. Along with the weapon will be 10 other items, including a brand new operator skin Cassius.

The death effect will also be interesting to look at and players can grab a look at it in the trailer for the draw. The price of the draw will depend on the region and usually legendary weapons have the lowest odds among all the items.

However, the odds increase with each pull, and it might be rare but many COD Mobile players have gotten lucky by pulling the legendary weapon early.

Season 7 is almost here and COD Mobile will soon announce the new season which is rumored to have a futuristic theme.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's views.

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