Epic Games Store next Holiday Sale 2022 freebie hinted to be Dishonored

One of the entries in the iconic stealth series from Arkane Studios will be free next (Images via Epic Games/Bethesda)
One of the entries in the iconic stealth series from Arkane Studios will be free next (Images via Epic Games/Bethesda)

The Epic Games Store's latest holiday season sale event has offered many great freebies so far, and it looks like fans have an easy guess as to what is coming next. A gift wrap for the next game that will be given away for free contains the Outsider's mark from the Dishonored series. This suggests a game from the franchise will be available as a freebie on December 29, 2022.

A tweet by user @ItsNeutralNexus shows the gift wrap with the Outsider's mark alongside a screenshot of the mark in-game.

Get ready for an insane immersive sim experience, courtesy of Epic Games Store's giveaway

The Outsider's mark can be seen in the December 29 gift wrap on the Epic Games Store (Image via Epic Games Store/Bethesda)
The Outsider's mark can be seen in the December 29 gift wrap on the Epic Games Store (Image via Epic Games Store/Bethesda)

The gift wrap art for each free game on Epic Games' ongoing Holiday Sale features a visual hint. The latest one is associated with the Outsider's mark. This is one of the most memorable elements in the first-person stealth-action series from publisher Bethesda and developer Arkane Studios.

Dishonored players will recognize the symbol quickly. This is because it is imprinted on the protagonist's hand in all the series's first-person titles. It has a distinct look that is hard to miss. In series lore, the mark is a brand given by a supernatural entity known as the Outsider to those worthy, resulting in them acquiring powerful magical abilities. This includes teleporting between distances or possessing others.

The stealth series has three entries thus far: Dishonored, Dishonored 2, and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. All three are available on the Epic Games Store. Another thing that could provide a hint as to which title will become available for free is the gift wrap's color. It aligns with the color palette featured on a single Dishonored title's cover art: Death of the Outsider. This game is the latest entry in the franchise.


It's worth noting that Epic Games could go the Fallout route and feature all three Dishonored titles as freebies. This is less likely, however, since these are relatively modern offerings.

Whatever the case, players will have to wait until tomorrow to find out the truth — unless a leak offers the information gamers seek. The Dishonored games take inspiration from classics like Thief and see players navigate complex levels. They allow gamers to avoid or kill as per their preferences, using a myriad of supernatural abilities and tools at their disposal.

All Dishonored entries are pretty decent. So regardless of the game being given away, players are bound to have a good time. On a related note, today's freebie is Mortal Shell, a Soulslike action-RPG from publisher Playstack and developer Cold Symmetry.

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