Fans crash Nintendo eShop after rushing to download Monster Hunter Rise demo

Image via Nintendo
Image via Nintendo

Nintendo has released a Monster Hunter Rise demo for free to give fans a taste of the game ahead of release.

The demo is free until January 30th at 8 PM PST, and it will be gone on February 1st. This limited-time slot, as well as a limited amount of time to play/use the demo post-release, has caused Nintendo eShop to experience slowdowns and even crash entirely. This has left many fans and players waiting to even get to the download page of any game.

The crash has caused immediate outrage, with fans unhappy at having to wait to play the Monster Hunter Rise demo. If players wanted to do anything else on the eShop, they must wait until Nintendo figures out the situation.

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Monster Hunter Rise demo crash causes fan uproar

Even if Nintendo was ready for all of the fans who would download the Monster Hunter Rise demo, their servers were not. Some users reported that they needed to allow the download to run overnight. Others said that they couldn't even get inside the eStore regardless of the intended use.

The length that fans can play in the game is already minimal. As of writing this article, Nintendo has not announced whether it would extend the deadline due to the Monster Hunter Rise demo's current inaccessibility.

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Many took to directly responding to Nintendo on Twitter, giving memes and disappointed comments. More than a few comments stated that Nintendo would solely fix the eStore and not acknowledge the time fans spent waiting. Whether or not that is true remains to be seen.

The eStore is currently back up, and Nintendo has not acknowledged the fact that it was gone other than fixing the issue. This has left anyone who has still not download the Monster Hunter Rise demo waiting for an update on the situation.

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