Genshin Impact fans fighting for r/place presence following half a dozen raids and bot attacks

How the artwork used to look like
How the artwork used to look like (Image via r/place)

Redditors have recently been spamming Genshin Impact's little section with a ton of white dots on r/place. For those out of the loop, r/place is a subreddit where many try to create art pixel by pixel in live time. All sorts of communities try to make something to show off their passion, but there are also plenty of people trying to counteract their actions. In this case, Aether and Lumine are getting replaced by white pixels.

Raids and bots are often at work, so the Genshin Impact community is planning to take back their spot. Some streamers are fighting against them, such as bratishkinoff's fanbase being a popular example that Travelers have noted on Reddit. Let's look at an example of what's going on below.

Genshin Impact fans fight against raids and bots in r/place

An example of the artwork being ruined (Image via Reddit)
An example of the artwork being ruined (Image via Reddit)

The above artwork is an example of how the Reddit art got destroyed by white pixels. It is worth noting that not all of r/place is getting vandalized with this sort of frequency. Some other spots on that subreddit barely get any pixels changed, whereas Genshin Impact is constantly getting altered all over the place.

Twitch streamer bratishkinoff also viewed the France section getting obliterated by black pixels, not to mention some other areas that were vandalized beforehand. The subreddit is constantly getting updated, so further developments will be happening.

These posts on the official Genshin Impact subreddit are examples of the community stating that streamer bratishkinoff is responsible for the recent raids. The France allegation is interesting since the following image shows how ruined their section got.

France got overtaken by black pixels (Image via bratishkinoff)
France got overtaken by black pixels (Image via bratishkinoff)

Over 20,000 people were on the stream, which would be more than capable of altering r/place if many of them raided. Nothing that happens here is permanent, as evident in how Travelers have returned their artwork to a much better condition in just a few minutes while this article was written.

It's starting to look normal again (Image via Reddit)
It's starting to look normal again (Image via Reddit)

Anybody seeking to view this artwork should know that it's below the US flag and Perry the Platypus, as well as to the right of the Turkish flag and r/GeometryDash. It's sort of in the middle-bottom of the entire project.

How to help Genshin Impact in r/place

The above Reddit post is where many Travelers are conspiring to fix and defend their artwork. Make sure to check the latest comments for further news. Until then, beware of streamers and bots fighting to ruin Genshin Impact's spot in r/place. Of course, some bots also help the community by restoring its art.

Past r/place events have lasted a few days, so there isn't too much time on hand here. Make sure to pay attention to Reddit for further confirmation on when the artwork will be finalized since no official end date has been announced yet.

Hopefully, Travelers will keep the momentum going so future Redditors can marvel at Aether, Lumine, Yae Miko's fox form, the Electro and Pyro slimes, and the meme Qiqi image. It doesn't matter how much Reddit karma an account has to participate in this event.

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