"I'm so happy" - xQc elated as NoPixel 4.0 GTA RP server seemingly adds his iconic diamond chain as a player accessory

It appears xQc's iconic diamond chain has made its way into NoPixel RP (Image via xQcow/Reddit & YouTube)

Felix “xQc” appeared to be overjoyed in his most recent GTA RP stream. While he has often found himself at odds with the game and the people who play it, this time he found something that brought him genuine joy. While in the character creator suite, he came across a particularly familiar necklace.

The diamond chain he bought in 2023 appears to now be in the game for players to use on their own RP character if they want. It takes a lot to stun xQc into silence, but, for a while, he had nothing to say. He expressed his joy during the stream though, amidst the chatter in his group, and said:

“I’m so happy.”

xQc’s iconic diamond chain seemingly found in character creation of NoPixel 4.0 update

While playing on the NoPixel GTA RP server, xQc made a huge discovery at one of the game’s clothing shops. Seeing a few players wearing a very familiar chain — one that looked strikingly similar to the chain he bought in 2023 — the streamer began grinning widely and went to check out the items for himself.

(Clip begins at 2:08:03)

Felix was all too happy to explore the cosmetic shop, and after a bit of searching through shirts and jackets, he found exactly what he was looking for - the diamond chain. At least two other characters in the shop had it on as well.

While putting on a few of the necklaces that were available, he loudly exclaimed how happy he was in that moment. The diamond chain itself is one of the more expensive things that the Kick & Twitch streamer owns. His response was a simple one:

“Ayyyy! I’m so happy.”

Unfortunately, the streamer did not purchase the item in-game and claimed that his “card was declined”. The item appeared to be among the Premium Scarves and Necklaces that players can acquire in the game.


While the necklace is certainly iconic, some people still claim it is “fake” or made of glass. This resulted in a clip on xQc’s channel where he tried desperately to prove the item was real.

xQc was delighted to see something he owned IRL in the game. He is incredibly wealthy but hasn't always spent money wisely. He recently mentioned that used to prefer buying new shirts instead of having the ones he wore washed at one point since he found the former to be the cheaper alternative.

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