"If you can't realise": Social media stands up against harassment of Minecraft streamers like Tubbo, amid Dream grooming allegations

Minecraft streamer opens up about being harassed and criticized about being friends with Dream.
A recent Tubbo clip went viral as he discussed his friendship with Dream, after the grooming accusations went public (Image via Sportskeeda)

In October 2022, Dream was hit with grooming allegations, which led to him and his friends getting harassed, like Tubbo.

The initial allegations led to several Minecraft streamers being harassed for not “canceling Dream” or ceasing contact with him. While the allegations are still being discussed, it has not stopped people from blaming his friends.

Twitter user “mcytvibes” took to social media to discuss this in a thread. The user would highlight that several popular Minecraft content creators could have easily stopped associating with Dream.

Social media responds to recent harassment of Minecraft streamers like Tubbo amid Dream allegations

In October 2022, Minecraft superstar Dream was accused of grooming and pedophilia. The accusations included a variety of screenshots and alleged evidence, which can be seen here.

Though the streamer admitted that some screenshots in the post were authentic, he refuted the claims that he was a pedophile and that he was grooming younger members of his fanbase. This has led to a significant backlash towards the streamer and harassment of other content creators like Tubbo.

In the social media thread, the Twitter user highlighted that content creators like Tubbo, George, and Sapnap could have easily stopped associating with Dream but chose not to; however, they clarified in a later post that they aren't saying the streamer is innocent of the grooming allegations.

They were, however, saying that no matter what, those people aren’t dropping the Minecraft content creator. Harassing people like Tubbo during a live stream won't change anything.

Some would speak out about how the targeted harassment against Minecraft streamers was uncalled for and would also state that they felt many of the people who accused Dream backed out, so they only did it to be attention seekers.

Others would say that publicly forcing a streamer to take a side in a situation like this wasn’t helping anything.

Some on Twitter would state that, as victims themselves, they have previously heard accusations against the Minecraft content creator, but when stories began changing, they tuned it all out.

According to them, if it’s a matter of court of law, it should stay there and off social media. Some on social media pointed out that people hate Dream, so they use this as an excuse to dogpile on him. This thread ultimately began as a response to Tubbo being harassed during a Twitch stream.

Tubbo responds to a donation that harasses him mid-subathon

“Will you address speaking/about Green Guy positively after promising you’d look into the abuse situation, and that you believed the victims? This comes across like you said everything you could to get us off your back and that you don’t believe what you said at all.”

During the streamer's subathon, he was asked, via donation, about the allegations. The content creator stated that any response he gives wouldn’t be enough. No matter what he said, someone would harass him for it.

“Dono, Imma be real. I can’t really respond to that because no matter what I say to that dono, people are gonna be very mad at me. And like, there’s, there’s nothing I can say to that bro. It’s actually nothing I can say. Like I’m backed into a corner. It’s just like, there’s literally nothing I can do about that, man. There’s nothing I can do to not get in s**t for something. So like, what do I do now, man?”

This took place on day 17 of a subathon, on a topic that Tubbo has nothing to do with. The allegations were about Dream, and so many fans are upset that the other Minecraft streamers are being harassed about this.

Unfortunately, the harassment of streamers like Tubbo will likely not cease at this moment. The discussion of Dream’s allegations is an ongoing topic, and since no definitive answer has been given by a court of law, social media will continue to discuss it.