League of Legends LoLdle answers 325: Sunday, May 28, 2023

LoLdle answers for May 28, 2023 (Image via Riot Games)
LoLdle answers for May 28, 2023 (Image via Riot Games)

The answers for the League of Legends' LoLdle puzzle's 325th edition are out. They were relatively difficult today, as some champions associated with them are not that popular in the current LoL meta. The LoLdle has five different guessing games, including the champion's name, ability, quote, emoji, and splash art. Fans all over the world dedicate themselves to solving this puzzle as well as maintaining their daily streak.


In this article, we've presented the specific LoLdle answers to each puzzle, released on May 28, 2023.

Zed, Viego, and 3 more League of Legends LoLdle answers 325th edition (May 28, 2023)

The answers mentioned ahead are for today's League of Legends LoLdle puzzle:

  • Classic: Zed
  • Quote: Viego
  • Ability: Illaoi Bonus: Q
  • Emoji: Evelynn
  • Splash Art: Vladimir, Bonus: Nightbringer Vladimir

Previous League of Legends LoLdle answers

Here are some of the previously released LoLdle answers:

  • LoLdle, May 27, 2023: Kai’Sa, Akshan, Sylas, Xerath, Malphite
  • LoLdle, May 26, 2023: Xerath, Xin Zhao, Nilah, Syndra, Sivir
  • LoLdle, May 25, 2023: Quinn, Yone, Gwen, Miss Fortune, Fizz
  • LoLdle, May 24, 2023: Warwick, Garen, Singed, Nunu, Ashe
  • LoLdle, May 23, 2023: Yorick, Nilah, Zeri, Fiora, Rek'Sai
  • LoLdle, May 22, 2023: Wukong, Renata, Glasc, Tahm Kench, Aphelios, Soraka
  • LoLdle, May 21, 2023: Kalista, Ekko, Lux, Karthus, Senna
  • LoLdle, May 20, 2023: Akali, Cho’Gath, Tristana, Tahm Kench, Bel’Veth
  • LoLdle, May 19, 2023: Zyra, K'Sante, Kalista, Tristana, Jayce
  • LoLdle, May 18, 2023: Kassadin, Soraka, Ekko, Skarner, Trundle
  • LoLdle, May 17, 2023: Amumu, Jax, Katarina, Rumble, Shen
  • LoLdle, May 16, 2023: Qiyana, Taric, Ivern, Shyvana, Anivia
  • LoLdle, May 15, 2023: Annie, Veigar, Amumu, Talon, Maokai
  • LoLdle, May 14, 2023: Trundle, Malphite, Anivia, Akali, Ryze
  • LoLdle, May 13, 2023: Illaoi, Katarina, Poppy, Braum, Amumu
  • LoLdle, May 12, 2023: Thresh, Gnar, Twisted Fate, Lillia, Zilean

Even though some of today's champions are popular, it can be hard to identify their names correctly. Zed is one of the legendary assassins in League of Legends. He became popular after Faker's fabled gameplay in 2013. However, he's not quite strong in the current patch, so guessing his name might take a few tries.

Meanwhile, Viego is popular among ranked or pro gamers. So fans can easily recognize his quote. Illaoi's Q ability, on the other hand, is hard to identify. Evelynn's lip emoji is quite helpful in predicting her face.

Last but not the least, Vladimir's Nightbringer splash art is possibly the hardest among all of today's LoLdle puzzles.

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