League of Legends patch 13.5 set to bring changes to Grasp of the Undying - Bonus health increased, healing reduced, and more

Grasp of the Undying rune is set to receive a change in the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.5 (Image via Riot Games)
Grasp of the Undying rune is set to receive a change in the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.5 (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends patch 13.5 is expected to introduce numerous changes. The Grasp of the Undying rune, in particular, will be modified in the forthcoming season 13 patch, which is sure to cause some meta shifts. Even champions like Azir, Ashe, and Yuumi are set to receive updates.

Renowned champions like Gangplank and Twitch (AP) are expected to get nerfs, and champions like Leblanc will likely receive buffs, so the forthcoming patch is sure to alter things rapidly.

Having said that, the League of Legends developers' choice to make changes to runes like Grasp of the Undying and Triumph has certainly taken the community by surprise as neither of them was considered outright broken.

Details about changes to Grasp of the Undying rune in the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.5

Grasp of the Undying changes:

  • Bonus health increased: 5/3 => 7/4
  • Healing reduced: 1.7%/1.02% maximum HP => 1.2%/0.72%
  • Will have a flat base heal of 3/1.8

The changes to Grasp of the Undying in the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.5 indicate that champions with this rune will now get more additional HP and a flat base heal, but healing based on maximum HP has been nerfed to compensate for the buffs.

The modification may imply that Grasp of the Undying is now feasible only as a pure short-trading/sustain-based rune, which is how it was originally intended to be classified.


That being said, the key concern here is how this change will influence the meta on the toplane. Tank champions like Sion, Shen, Ornn, Malphite, and others will undoubtedly benefit from these changes, but if the same will be true for the bruiser champions is a question that concerns many.

Bruiser champions like Camille, Fiora, Jax, and others have been the primary benefactors of the Grasp of the Undying rune so far. One major reason for this is that the rune favors the above-mentioned bruisers in long-duration trades, despite the fact that it was never intended to do so.


And if this is the case, the laning phase versus these champions will certainly not be fun and cause frustration amongst players. Additionally, items like Titanic Hydra can almost certainly become more prevalent after the upcoming League of Legends patch 13.5 due to the item granting bonus Attack Damage based on the champion's health.

It will be fascinating to see if the bruiser champions benefit from the Grasp of the Undying changes in patch 13.5. Champions like Illaoi and Warwick, who use this rune as a situational option, may become more advantageous as well.

There is no doubt that League of Legends patch 13.5 will undoubtedly bring about an assortment of fascinating meta-shifts.

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