Massive Malphite buffs hit League of Legends patch 13.4: W attack armor ratio increased, cooldown reduced, and more

Detailed information regarding the upcoming Malphite buffs (Image via Riot Games)
Detailed information regarding the upcoming Malphite buffs (Image via Riot Games)

Malphite is one of several champions who will receive much-needed improvements in the forthcoming League of Legends patch 13.4. Riot Phroxzon, the head designer of the balancing team and the summoner's rift team, revealed details about all the champions that will see changes in the forthcoming patch.

Malphite has been a veteran League of Legends champion since his introduction in 2009. He was among the most well-known selections in recent seasons regarding having a team-fighting and front-line-centered tank.

Malphite's passive ability, Granite Shield, which grants him a large shield whenever he is struck with a basic attack or ability, is one of the key reasons he is so efficient. This, paired with his Q (Seismic Shard), which slows and damages foes, makes his laning phase simpler.


Malphite's ultimate ability is Unstoppable Force, one of the most recognizable in League of Legends. It enables him to charge toward his opponents, knocking them down and causing enormous damage to everyone in his path. This ultimate is great for team battles and may swing a game in his favor.

However, Malphite has struggled to stay relevant in the current League of Legends meta. Changes in itemization, the popularity of particular champions in the top lane, and the introduction of new items have all put him in a weakened state.

Furthermore, champions such as K'Sante, Jax, Illaoi, Olaf, Akshan, and others are exceptionally well suited to the current meta, and with Hyper ADCs dominating the norm, it becomes very tough for Malphite to survive.

Full details on League of Legends patch 13.4's Malphite buffs

  • W (Thunderclap)
  • Attack armor ratio increased from 10% to 15%
  • Cleave armor ratio increased from 15% to 20%
  • Cooldown decreased from 12 - 10 seconds to 10 - 8 seconds

Considering the current meta conditions of toplane, champions including Jax, Olaf, Garen, Illaoi, Darius, Gangplank, Warwick, and Fiora have been immensely dominating, with their presence seen from ranked solo queues to League of Legends professional competition.

Given all of the above, Malphite's W buffs may wind up pushing him back into the meta. Furthermore, he may be a valuable asset against heavy AD (Attack Damage) team compositions that rely on hyper ADCs (Attack Damage Carry).


Seeing how Malphite performs after patch 13.4 is out would be fascinating. With the current meta being rather stagnant, with a certain number of champions being repeated in professional play, new alternatives may be a pleasant change of pace for fans.

However, with his armor mostly being buffed, if these buffs bring substantial changes to the meta, then AP (Ability Power) damaging champions like Gwen, Mordekaiser, and others are certain to be dominating the future times.

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