Massive LeBlanc buffs hit League of Legends PBE patch 13.5 cycle, improving her wave clear significantly

LeBlanc is getting some major buffs that will improve the champion significantly in patch 13.5 (Image via Riot Games)
LeBlanc is getting some major buffs that will improve the champion significantly in patch 13.5 (Image via Riot Games)

LeBlanc is arguably one of the strongest mages in League of Legends. However, one of her major weaknesses is the inability to wave clear properly during the laning phase.

As it happens, the developers seem to have enhanced her wave clear speed for patch 13.5. Considered a massive addition, it will significantly improve the champion. Hence, LeBlanc's bluffs in the upcoming patch have been discussed extensively,

It's important to remember that this change does not devolve LeBlanc's prowess. Instead, it makes the champion even more deadly in the hands of a seasoned player who can easily compete against Viktor and Azir in the midlane.

Full details regarding LeBlanc buffs in League of Legends patch 13.5

The buffs that LeBlanc is receiving alongside League of Legends patch 13.5 are:

  • Q now refunds 100% mana and 30% remaining cooldown if either part kills a target
  • Q sigil now deals 10 - 146 bonus damage against minions
  • RQ now has the same effects as above

Amongst these modifications, what players need to note are the mana changes and cooldown reset. If LeBlanc replenishes her mana by simply killing a minion or a champion, she can not only remain in the lane for long but in team fights as well.

She will never have mana issues in the mid-late game and could even become a significant threat in side lanes. However, the mana refund is not the only issue here, as the damage from Q has also been enhanced.

This means she can easily clear the minion waves, even during the early game. In other words, she is now a complete champion and will rapidly ascend to the top.

One of the major issues that LeBlanc faced against fast pushers is that she would have to stand under her tower for a major part of the laning phase. This will no longer be a shortcoming as she can push fast and even roam across the map without losing minions.

This shift will probably make LeBlanc a top pick in professional play as well. With Azir seemingly getting nerfed, LeBlanc will now become the obvious choice, especially because of the buffs. Several top midlaners like Faker, Xiaohu, Caps, and Perkz are destructive with this champion in hand.

Hence, fans will probably see some top-tier LeBlanc play in the coming days once League of Legends patch 13.5 rolls out on the live servers.

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