Medieval Chinese open-world game Where Winds Meet announced at Gamescom 2022: Release date, platforms and more

The upcoming historical game seems very reminiscent of Assassin's Creed and Ghost of Tsushima (Images via Everstone Games)
The upcoming historical game seems very reminiscent of Assassin's Creed and Ghost of Tsushima (Images via Everstone Games)

Gamescom 2022 arrived with much furore and announced multiple exciting game reveals for fans. There is something for everyone here, from niche simulation games to massive open-world adventures. Speaking of the latter, a brand new title was unveiled at the showcase event.

Where Winds Meet is an upcoming open-world combat-driven game set in the Ten Kingdoms period. Developed by Everstone Games, it seems to be fairly ambitious in its scope, presented via the debut trailer at Gamescom 2022.

The recent reveal of Where Winds Meet at Gamescom 2022 seems promising

Not much is known about the title, with the Gamescom 2022 reveal trailer also being fairly cryptic. However, one thing is for sure: it is definitely a thematically dark game. There are also a handful of gameplay sections that should give fans a glimpse of what to expect. In a nutshell, it is a third-person open-world adventure title with RPG elements.

It also seems to be a blend of multiple popular games out there. Players will be able to ride on horseback to get from point A to B. Coupled with that, the environment also seems interactive as one can scale vertical surfaces not unlike Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is another open-world exploration game.

There are bustling cities to explore as well, but the real fun begins out in the open-world. Players will take on enemies, with the trailer showcasing the protagonist attacking a ship. What's even more wondrous is that one can seemingly run across water and even parkour across walls, just like Prince of Persia.

Combat involves both close-range melees and long-range weapons such as bow-and-arrows. Coupled with that, players can choose their roles between traders, doctors and traditional warriors. How this will affect the core gameplay remains to be seen.

The combat also revolves around martial arts techniques, with players mastering new skills and attacks to overcome vicious threats. These include challenging humanoid foes armed with deadly weapons and mythical figures. Aside from weapon-based attacks, players can also unleash special moves, such as slowing down time, which allows them to dish out quick flurries of hits - another similarity to Breath of the Wild.

The Gamescom 2022 trailer comes to an end with the main character seemingly challenging a mysterious adversary sitting atop a statue. Where Winds Meet does not have a release date or confirmed platform for now, so fans must wait a little longer.

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