Today's NYT Connections include words that are related to playgrounds, while some other words can be seen often in our day-to-day lives. However, figuring out the right categories for these words is where many players might get stuck. For such situations, some hints to figure out the sections might help the players, which is why the goal of this article is to help the players save their winning streak without ruining the fun of solving it.
This article will provide some hints for players who want to solve the puzzle by themselves. However, there will also be a segment for players who despite all their efforts failed to figure out the categories.
Today's NYT Connections hints (August 27, 2024)
The categories are related to playgrounds, things we often see in a clock, a cup of tea, words that might describe weather close to deserts, and more. Check out the table below for more details.
Looking for Crossword hints & solutions? Check out latest NYT Mini Crossword Answers, LA Times Crossword Answers, and Atlantic Crossword Answers

Also read: Spelling Bee solver
Today's NYT Connections answers (August 27, 2024)
While most of the hints were telling, many players might not be able to pinpoint the right categories from them. This segment will help them with the answers for the NYT Connections puzzle today.

Also read: Mini Crossword solver
Also read: Previous Connections, NYT Connections hints and answers (August 27, 2024)
Check out our NYT Connections Helper to get hints and answers for today's connections puzzle.