Ornn version of new Mythic items to hit the League of Legends PBE: Caesura and Equinox

New Ornn upgrades for Mythic items in League of Legends preseason 12 (Image via Riot Games)
New Ornn upgrades for Mythic items in League of Legends preseason 12 (Image via Riot Games)

The League of Legends preseason 12 update will introduce many new in-game mechanics to provide players with more versatility on how they approach each match.

Apart from an “Objective Bounty” mechanic and two new dragons, Hextech and Chemtech, the developers will also be adding new Mythic Items to the game while tweaking some of the previous ones.

Two of the upcoming Mythics will have their very own Ornn versions, and players will be able to use their “Master Craftsman” passive to upgrade those items for their teammates.

The Ornn version of the new Mythics, Crown of the Shattered and Evenshroud, will be Caesura and Equinox, respectively, and the upgrade will offer a significant boost in stats for both the base items.

The League of Legends preseason 12 item updates will hit the PBE server soon, and players with access to the test servers will be able to try out the changes for themselves.

What the new Mythic items, Evenshroud and Crown of the Shattered, will bring in League of Legends preseason 12

The new Item updates for League of Legends preseason 12 aim to bring more versatility to the game and to offer players more options to their build pathing.

The developers want to champion creative situational builds. This is one of the reasons why tanks and supports get the new Mythic Evenshroud, and mages get Crown of the Shattered.

The existing Mythics for mid-lane mages did not allow much in terms of defense and survivability, making champions like Ryze, Le Blanc and Azir quite squishy. They would get blown up as soon as they entered team fights and have to heavily rely on things like Zonya’s Hourglass and Phase Rush to survive in the later stages of the game.

The Crown of the Shattered’s passive “Divine Safeguard” will reduce incoming champion damage by 50% for 1.5 seconds. This makes it quite a viable option for those mid lane champions who lack innate tankiness.

Evenshroud, on the other hand, will give tank supports more options than just rushing Locket of the Iron Solari or Shurelya’s Battlesong every single game. The Mythic will also offer additional resistances, making League of Legends supports like Nautilus, Leona, Braum and Taric harder to kill when they are properly utilizing their crowd control abilities.

League of Legends preseason 12 update is expected to go live with patch 11.23, on November 17. However, some of the changes will start making their way to the PBE servers from cycle 11.22 onwards.

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