Player base needs to chill out or we going to die": Lost Ark players call for better behaviors from whales

some players are unhappy with the conduct of whales in the game (Image via Amazon Games)
some players are unhappy with the conduct of whales in the game (Image via Amazon Games)

Despite the tremendous success Lost Ark has had with its western launch, some fractures have appeared. As is common with many MMORPGs over time, the endgame content has created divisions among players.

Amazon Games had apologized in March over the introduction of T3 content. While that is a problem from the developers' side, it seems that the game has a whale problem.

According to one player, a few whales act as 'try-hards' and are unhappy if someone makes a mistake. The player believes that such behavior will be problematic in the future.


Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG received unprecedented success when Lost Ark was introduced to a larger audience. The game received a positive response, breaking the million concurrent player count threshold.

However, there have been specific problems that have appeared. Some fear that those could spell doom for the game. If anything, misbehavior by whales can accelerate the decline.

Lost Ark players are unhappy with the behavior of whales in the game

Whales are usually referred to as players who spend a hefty amount of money on a video game. In Lost Ark, spending heavy amounts can fast-track a player's progress. While that might be fine for them, one player has criticized the behavior of some whales.

Reddit user u/Biglaborn posted about their experiences with pugging (playing with random people in groups). The player is at level 1392 and complained about the behavior of some whales.

They said that such behavior has the potential to kill the game more than dry spells of content.

One player referred to the whales in the discussion as elitists and said how such people are found in every MMORPG.

The above response was countered by another person who stated that so-called elitists rarely play in random groups. Even if they do, they don't mind carrying their relatively weaker teammates.

Another player also shared their experiences of encountering toxic behavior. The extent of such behavior has resulted in the person keeping their chat window shut.

Some people often take their games more seriously than others. One player believes that some of them have started taking the game as a job, which leads to frustration when things don't go their way.

One player shared their opinion that too much emphasis on the level of a player in clearing endgame content could be a reason for the problem. Had the focus been on engravings instead, things may have been better.

Another player stated that people should put more emphasis on not just builds, but playing well.

It's not always easy for a player to progress without spending hefty amounts of real-life money. This was stated by one player who hoped that whales need to understand the limitations of a non-whale when it comes to progressing in Lost Ark.

Behaviors such as those mentioned by main post owners can even be offputting for new players.

The incidence of people taking games too seriously was brought up by another player. While it's okay for players to take a game seriously, overemphasizing on that can often lead to frustration.

Given the way Lost Ark has been progressing, many seem to forget that the game isn't even two months old (the western version).

A player commented on how they have seen others react as if the game has been released for a long time. So automatically, the expectations will be for everyone to be great at everything.

When the issue with the Abyss raids was raised, Amazon Games duly responded and promised to sort it out. While dry content spells can be problematic for games, so can poor behavior by players.

The problem gets amplified when the game is highly social, like Lost Ark. While player behavior is something that the developers can't control, a bit more empathy and understanding will do all the players a world of good.

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