Playground Developer explains why Ranked was removed from Forza Horizon 5

Forza Horizon 5 developer talks about thought put behind the game (Image via Forza Horizon 5)
Forza Horizon 5 developer talks about thought put behind the game (Image via Forza Horizon 5)

Forza Horizon 5 is receiving its very first major update since its release back in November. This new update will include the addition of various cars from different brands and a new series of challenges for players to finish.

In an online presentation made for Forza Horizon 5 post-release content, the developers behind the making of the simulation car racing game discussed a few things. Including the idea that led the game to become what the players are now enjoying post-release.


This article will focus on the important aspects from the presentation that players should be aware of.

Forza Horizon 5’s developers open up about a few key things in the game

When Forza Horizon 5 was initially created, the goal that the developers had in mind was to make the game social, friendly, and casual to help enhance the experience of festive racing.

Brown also talked about the fact that the internet is a toxic place and especially so when it comes to competitive games; which is why he wanted to get rid of it. Brown believes that Forza Horizon 5 has the potential to become a non-toxic place for racing enthusiasts where they can enjoy themselves without any negative feedback.

Henceforth, Brown talked about the removal of ranked modes in Forza Horizon 5, which to his perspective seemed to have been promoting a competitive motive that turned a bit toxic for the players. Mike Brown thinks that the ranking system is something that is good, however, it has a dark side. The negative feeling of coming second than first is something that Brown doesn’t want players to have, which led to the complete removal of it in Forza Horizon 5.

Even though Brown is aware of fact that players did like the ranked league system of Forza Horizon games, the majority of the experiences had been on the negative side, as he wanted to eradicate the “not good enough” mindset of players.

The fact that Forza Horizon 5 is a racing game, which in itself is competitive, makes this whole situation seem contradictory. Brown’s vision, however, was for Forza Horizon 5 to be a friendly place where players can have an enjoyable time, while traversing through the scenic beauty of Mexico and have a positive attitude all around.

However, one thing that made a return from Forza Horizon 4 was The Eliminator, the battle royale racing mode which was quite loved and played among the Forza Horizon fans. Because of the game mode’s popularity in the last franchise, Playground Games made the decision to keep it in Forza Horizon 5.

In conclusion, Forza Horizon 5 is suited to become a casual and fun racing game, however, it did have to make certain compromises in order to succeed.

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