Pokimane recounts chilling stalking incident when a 55 year old wanted to 'accompany' her home

Pokimane recounts her recent experience of being stalked by an older man (Image via Pokimane Too on YouTube)
Pokimane recounts her recent experience of being stalked by an older man (Image via Pokimane Too on YouTube)

Being a woman is almost like subscribing to a lifetime of dodging creeps, even for one of Twitch's biggest stars, Pokimane. In a recent livestream, the 25-year-old entrepreneur recounted the story of her latest encounter with a stalker on the streets, who wanted to "accompany" her home. What was even more horrifying was that the man was more than double her age, and she presumed that he was about 55 years old.

Pokimane goes into deeper details about a recent stalker

While recounting her horrifying experience, Pokimane explained that she had gone to the dentist's office after streaming, and she was standing outside the office, waiting for her Uber to arrive. She had then noticed the man out of the corner of her eye, and saw him walking towards her. She demonstrated how she was leaning against a pole and looking at her phone to avoid any eye contact with the man. However, she could see his reflection in the car window that was in front of her and saw him walking up towards her.


She was shocked when the man started talking to her, asking her where she was headed. She explained how she tried to keep her responses as vague as possible, saying that she was just headed home. The man then proceeded to ask her where her home was, and the question horrified Pokimane.

"Who the f**k asks a stranger where home is?"

Luckily for Pokimane, her Uber arrived immediately after, and she could not wait to get away from the man. However, since he was standing between her and the Uber vehicle, she could not get in. The Uber driver then got out of the car to open the door for her. Pokimane explained how even though the driver did that out of politeness, he had potentially saved her from further harassment.

She quickly got into the car and left the scene, but it was clear that she had not quite shaken off the disturbing experience yet.

Pokimane encounters many bizarre people online on a daily basis. However, facing them offline poses a potential threat to her immediate security, and she was extremely fortunate to have got out of the situation unharmed.

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