Raiden Shogun's talent priority and builds in Genshin Impact (March 2022)

Raiden Shogun is a powerful character (Image via Genshin Impact)
Raiden Shogun is a powerful character (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact provides fans with the opportunity to build and utilize whatever characters they want from the game's massive roster of playable heroes. Raiden Shogun is one of Genshin's strongest choices, providing insane Electro damage and excellent support skills.

Fans who need a strong Electro support for their team will want to pick up Raiden Shogun. She can also be the main enabler of one of the game's strongest teams, the Raiden National team.

Gamers who have Raiden Shogun or who are planning on wishing for her will want to read her best build here.

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Genshin Impact: Best Raiden builds and more

Building Raiden Shogun is quite simple, as she has a unique scaling that requires tons of Energy Recharge. This means that players can use some artifacts that they would otherwise pass over, as they will increase Raiden's damage significantly.

In terms of skill level order, users will want to focus on upgrading a specific ability first as it will provide the most benefit to a team.

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Raiden Shogun's Elemental Burst is the best ability to focus on leveling first, as it is both her biggest source of damage and one of her best supportive abilities. This skill can provide a ton of energy to Raiden's teammates while also slicing through any foes unfortunate enough to be in her way.

Gamers will need to stay on the field as Raiden for several seconds to take full advantage of it, but with the unique animations and insane damage, this won't be a problem.

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Players will want to level up her Elemental Skill second, and this is also a vital skill to level. It allows Raiden to support her teammates anywhere, even off the field.

It deals follow-up Electro damage whenever enemies are hit, and when appropriately leveled, it can deal a massive amount of damage. Users should make sure they level this ability a lot. After this, they can level her Normal Attacks, but that isn't recommended.

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Raiden artifacts

Raiden Shogun's artifact choice is easy, as the Emblem of Severed Fate set is tailor-made for her kit. Fans will want to farm for a 4-PC of this set while prioritizing these stats:

  • Flower and Plume: Best substats with a focus on Crit Rate, Crit DMG, and Energy Recharge
  • Sands: Energy Recharge with the best Crit substats
  • Goblet: ATK% or Electro Bonus DMG, depending on substats, if players have enough Energy Recharge, prioritize an ATK% goblet. If not, Electro Bonus DMG
  • Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG depending on which is needed

Users can also gain a mighty F2P weapon for Raiden quickly, thanks to the game's free fishing polearm, The Catch. Here's how they can get it. If fans don't feel like fishing for this polearm, they can use the Kitain Cross Spear instead, and Raiden works well with all of Genshin Impact's 5-star polearms.

Genshin Impact's characters can sometimes be tough to build, but Raiden Shogun is a very straightforward and powerful addition that any gamer can use.

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