Riot hints at Xin Zhao rework and highlights his gameplay changes and buffs for League of Legends season 11

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, League of Legends' gameplay design director, hinted at tentative tweaks to Xin Zhao via his recent tweet.

Scruffy outlined the possible changes for the Seneschal of Demacia and mentioned that League's designer Tim “TheTruexy” has a 'nice little upgrade' for Xin Zhao. Though Scruffy has not mentioned any official release date yet, the changes aim towards highlighting the jungler's ranged gameplay and opening up more off-builds.

It was pretty clear that Xin Zhao has been struggling to step up in the current League of Legends meta. According to, the jungler's present win rate is just 47.6% in Platinum ranks and above.

League of Legends' Demacian spear-wielder is expected to get a gameplay-makeover soon along with new AP off-builds

Image via Riot Games - League of Legends
Image via Riot Games - League of Legends

According to Mark Yetter, the devs will highlight the unique ranged gameplay with Xin's W2 and help it fit better into his combos rather than have it conflict with an AA-heavy pattern.

He further said the tweaks will open up or reinvigorate new off-builds for Xin with meaningfully different gameplay outputs. Riot is also targeting an overall 2% buff for Xin Zhao Jungle.

The proposed changes for Xin Zhao (Ability wise)

#1 - Determination (P)

  • Heal Amount :: 10-112 (+10% AD) (+40% AP) >>> 7-92 (+10% AD) (+55% AP)

#2 - Three Talon Strike (Q)

  • Bonus Physical Damage :: 20/28/36/44/52 >>> 15/24/33/42/51

#3 - Wind Becomes Lightning (W)

  • Various QoL/shitbox clarity adjustments
  • Thrust Damage increases by up to 33% based on Critical Strike Chance
  • W no longer applies Lifesteal at 33% effectiveness
  • W cast time now a static 0.5s, instead of scaling with AS
  • Mana Cost :: 45 >>> 60
  • W2 Range :: 900 >>> 1000
  • W2 Damage - 40/75/110/145/180 (+80% tAD) >>> 30/65/100/135/170 (+75% tAD)(+50% AP)
  • Cooldown :: 12-85 >>> 12-6s
  • W2 now Challenges Champions/Monsters and provides a vision of the target for 3 seconds

#4 - Audacious Charge (E)

  • Cast range is increased to 1100 on Challenged targets
  • Cooldown :: 12s >>> 11s
  • Dash Speed :: 3000 >>> 2500

#5 - Crescent Guard (R)

  • New Ability Power Ratio :: 0% >>> 110%
  • Duration :: 3 >>> 5s
  • No longer extended by basic attacks and spells


While the new AP build can certainly veer Xin in a new direction in League of Legends, Riot seems to be more focused on improving his burst damage and quick healing. This may also open up potential hybrid builds that aren’t seen too often on the Summoner's Rift.

These changes of Xin Zhao appear to be still in the early stages of development and Yetter said that the League of Legends devs are “still looking for feedback.”

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