Splatoon 3 guide: How to find best sensitivity for your playstyle

Up your game by tweaking controller sensitivity paramters to your desired preference (Images via Nintendo)
Up your game by tweaking controller sensitivity paramters to your desired preference (Images via Nintendo)

Splatoon 3 is bringing a brand new season of action-packed third-person spray shooting. It is the culmination of all the things Nintendo has learned from the past two entries, resulting in the most polished experience so far.

Since this title is one of the few competition-focused games from the aforementioned developer, players might be wondering how they should adjust their sensitivity settings for an optimal PvP experience. To help such gamers out, it's necessary to look at the various options this title offers to satisfy everyone's control-related needs.

Splatoon 3 offers robust selection of options to facilitate combat and gunplay


First, let's discuss the mode of input: the controller itself. Players engaged in any multiplayer game on the Switch use the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. This standalone peripheral is a solid pick for those that want a more traditional-feeling controller instead of the Joycons, which may be small for many players' hands.

Motion controls are another perk Nintendo players have in many games. The gyroscope implementation is available on the Pro Controller as well, allowing many shooters to feel more precise than just normal stick-aiming. This should help in Splatoon matches as well.

The increased precision also offers the added benefit of being able to turn the aim around quicker, and this twitch reflex is paramount and can be a deciding factor sometimes. This is why it's recommended to set Motion Controls to On in the Training Room's settings in Splatoon 3.

What do you prefer? (Image via YouTube channel Wadsm)
What do you prefer? (Image via YouTube channel Wadsm)

Now, coming to the other sensitivity settings, Splatoon 3 offers sliders for Motion Control Sensitivity and Stick Sensitivity. Players can also tweak the Up/Down and Left/Right movements. Note that enabling Motion Controls will disable the Up/Down parameter; however, the Left/Right one will remain tweakable via normal stick controls. These controls can be inverted as well.

To find the best sensitivity settings, it is necessary to experiment in the training lobby to see what works. Trying various combinations of Motion and Stick sensitivities and searching for a sweet spot that fits the gamer like a glove is a good idea. But to offer a head start, here are some suggestions gamers can employ:

  • Long-range players: Go for lower sensitivities (below 0). This makes the aim steadier and slower instead of frantic, which is exactly what snipers need. A sensitivity of -2 to -2.5 should work.
  • Close-range players: Try out higher sensitivities (above 0). This allows quick maneuvers that will prove handy when wanting to switch targets quickly. Keeping the sensitivity 2-3 is a good idea.
  • Low Motion, High Stick: Grants the subtle precision of Motion Control while maintaining the snappiness of stick motion.
  • High Motion, Low Stick: Here, stick controls supplement the primary Motion-Controlled aim to grant precision on the horizontal axis.

On average, gamers generally have sensitivities higher than what's offered by default. Splatoon 3 is out right now exclusively for the Nintendo Switch hybrid console.

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