Top 5 hidden achievements in Genshin Impact 1.6 update

Genshin Impact added new hidden achievements involving the new Waverider boats (image via miHoYo)
Genshin Impact added new hidden achievements involving the new Waverider boats (image via miHoYo)

Genshin Impact recently added five new hidden achievements along with the summer archipelago.

Version 1.6 of Genshin Impact introduced the much-anticipated sailing feature to the game. In the new archipelago, players can now travel via boats called Waveriders. The new hidden achievements all focus on Waveriders, and they are all fairly easy to obtain. So, this article compiles the five new hidden achievements and explains how to complete them.

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Top 5 hidden achievements in Genshin Impact's Archipelago islands

Since the archipelago is a limited-time region in Genshin Impact, these hidden achievements may be limited-time as well. However, the game may implement Waveriders elsewhere as a permanent feature, making these achievements permanent as well.

Since the future of Waveriders is currently unknown, players should complete these hidden achievements during version 1.6 while the Waveriders are present.

1) “Yo-Ho-Ho, and a Bottle of Dandelion Wine”

“Yo-Ho-Ho, and a Bottle of Dandelion Wine” achievement (image via ShinoCoffee)
“Yo-Ho-Ho, and a Bottle of Dandelion Wine” achievement (image via ShinoCoffee)

This hidden achievement is the easiest one to unlock in version 1.6. Most players have probably stumbled across this achievement unintentionally, as it simply requires the player to enter a Waverider.

Once a player enters the boat for the first time, the “Yo-Ho-Ho, and a Bottle of Dandelion Wine” achievement unlocks.

2) “Mighty and Illuminated Wave Rider”

“Mighty and Illuminated Wave Rider” achievement (image via ShinoCoffee)
“Mighty and Illuminated Wave Rider” achievement (image via ShinoCoffee)

By sailing on a Waverider for a certain timespan without stopping, the “Mighty and Illuminated Wave Rider” achievement will unlock. The only caveat is that no fast sailing is allowed (players shouldn’t press the sprint button.) Also, as the image above indicates, this achievement will not unlock until the player leaves the boat.

To unlock this achievement and receive five Primogems, players should sail for a few minutes before leaving the Waverider.

3) “Déjà Vu”

“Déjà Vu” achievement (image via Genshin Deviant)
“Déjà Vu” achievement (image via Genshin Deviant)

This hidden achievement is similar to “Mighty and Illuminated Wave Rider,” except players need to sail at high speeds. By sailing while holding the sprint button for enough time, the “Déjà Vu” achievement unlocks and players receive five Primogems.

4) “Nice Boat”

“Nice Boat” achievement (image via Verdplay)
“Nice Boat” achievement (image via Verdplay)

Players can earn five Primogems by completing the “Nice Boat” achievement. To do this, players need to be in co-op mode in the Golden Apple Archipelago.

From there, two players need to summon Waveriders and enter each other’s boats. By switching Waveriders with another player, in any way, the “Nice Boat” achievement unlocks instantly.

5) “And Her Name Is the Mary Celeste”

Hilichurls attacking a Waverider to unlock the “And Her Name Is the Mary Celeste” achievement (image via ShinoCoffee)
Hilichurls attacking a Waverider to unlock the “And Her Name Is the Mary Celeste” achievement (image via ShinoCoffee)

When a player’s Waverider is destroyed, they unlock this hidden achievement in tandem with five Primogems.

Oftentimes, hidden achievements require Travelers to fail, or at least play the game in strange ways. In the case of the “And Her Name Is the Mary Celeste” achievement. The easiest way to lose a Waverider is to approach a floating Hilichurl camp and allow them to attack the boat.

Whenever Genshin Impact receives new content, players are always on the lookout for new hidden achievements. It’s no surprise to see Genshin Impact add these five new Waverider-related achievements. More achievements may arise as new content is added during version 1.6, but for now, players should just make sure to unlock these five.

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